Is there any known Aboriginal heritage in the application area?
The application area intersects one Aboriginal site for which records are held on AAR’s central archives. In addition, AAR is aware of other Aboriginal sites – including multiple fish traps, archaeological sites, an historic site, and a restricted anthropological site – within 300 m of the application area. One of these archaeological sites is located approximately 3 m outside of the application area.
See maps showing Aboriginal heritage in relation to the application area.
Please refer to the Consultation Information Pack and Consultation Notice for further information about Aboriginal heritage and the Applicant’s proposed heritage management.
Will there be an Aboriginal Community Consultation Meeting to discuss the Project?
An Aboriginal Community Consultation Meeting will be held for Traditional Owners and any other interested Aboriginal people and organisations at 6:00 pm on Monday 16 December 2024 at The Port Lincoln Hotel located at 1 Lincoln Highway, Port Lincoln, SA 5606. A light supper will be provided. For catering purposes, please RSVP to AAR as soon as possible.
Will I be notified of the Minister's decision?
Traditional Owners and interested Aboriginal parties who provide feedback, a submission, or simply request AAR to notify them of the decision during the consultation, will be notified of the Minister’s decision once he makes it. The outcome of the decision will also be published on YourSAy.