Position papers for improved dam safety, levee bank and flood management in South Australia
The Department for Environment and Water, as the Flood Hazard Leader, has led the development of three position papers relating to flood management in South Australia in response to the Independent Review of the Extreme Weather Event South Australia 29 September-5 October 2016 (Burns Review).
The improving dam safety management and improving levee bank management position papers set out a framework to deliver improved dam safety and levee bank management to support flood management. Elements have undergone changes and refinement compared to the 2018 draft in response to stakeholder engagement. The position papers also outline proposed actions to implement the framework.
The third position paper, priorities for improved flood management in South Australia proposes a framework for improved flood management closely aligned to the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework and considers stakeholder feedback on flood management priorities. The framework can help shape the updated Flood Hazard Plan, prioritise flood management effort in the coming years and create alignment with the implementation of the national framework.
View the 2019 consultation report for a summary of the responses on the draft position papers.
The position papers were endorsed by the State Emergency Management Committee in mid-2020. We will now progress to implementation of proposed actions, seek funding and develop proposals for regulatory reform.
Consultation has concluded