Improving the River Torrens from the foothills to the sea

Consultation has concluded


Consultation on ‘Improving the River Torrens from the foothills to the sea’ has now closed.

Update 29/11/2017: The River Torrens Recovery Project community consultation was conducted to provide project partners with a better understanding of the community’s views on this project.

The consultation was open from 23 February 2015 to 30 June 2016, to anyone who lived in South Australia.

The key findings of the community survey included:

  • The majority of the community support ecological improvement works and continued funding for this work.
  • The river’s environment, wildlife and open spaces are valued most by the community.
  • The removal of


Consultation on ‘Improving the River Torrens from the foothills to the sea’ has now closed.

Update 29/11/2017: The River Torrens Recovery Project community consultation was conducted to provide project partners with a better understanding of the community’s views on this project.

The consultation was open from 23 February 2015 to 30 June 2016, to anyone who lived in South Australia.

The key findings of the community survey included:

  • The majority of the community support ecological improvement works and continued funding for this work.
  • The river’s environment, wildlife and open spaces are valued most by the community.
  • The removal of exotic plants and replacing them with native vegetation is supported.

The support provided by the community for this project has helped to extend the River Torrens Recovery project, moving beyond the initial 2-year Commonwealth-funded project to one of ongoing environmental action, co-funded by local councils and Natural Resources Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges.

Read more about the survey findings here.

You can also download an evaluation form to provide your feedback on this engagement and return it to Water Projects Officer Caroline Dorr at link).

Community consultation is an important aspect of the process and we thank all those who provided their feedback.

Further information on the survey results and the continuation of the project will be provided on the Natural Resources Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges website as it becomes available.


Come have your say on how we can improve the health and environment of the River Torrens from the foothills to the sea.

What is being decided?

The River Torrens runs through a highly urbanised catchment, flowing from the foothills at Athelstone across the Adelaide plains and out to sea at West Beach. We want to know how you think we can make improvements to make this a healthy and sustainable environment for all involved.

The River Torrens Recovery (2014-16)(External link) project aims to improve water quality and biodiversity along this section of river and the coastal waters where it enters the sea, in conjunction with SA Water and local government.

To do this, weeds and erosion will be controlled, local native species planted, European Carp removed, traps installed to capture pollutants and water runoff redirected through water sensitive urban design(External link).

How can your input influence the decision?

Tell us what you think about the River Torrens environment and the project by completing the survey and joining the discussion.

Your input will help shape the future direction of works in this area.

Want to know more?

You can also contact us or send in a submission using the following details:

Natural Resources Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges
Joseph Sullivan
Water Projects Officer

205 Greenhill Road
Eastwood SA 5063

Email: link)
Phone: (08) 8273 9122

You have plenty of time to have your say on this consultation as comments and submissions are ongoing and will remain open until mid 2016.

Consultation has concluded
  • Updates

    29 Nov 2017

    Survey findings now available and request for feedback

    The River Torrens Recovery Project community consultation was conducted to provide project partners with a better understanding of the community’s views on this project.

    The consultation was open from 23 February 2015 to 30 June 2016, to anyone who lived in South Australia.

    The key findings of the community survey included:

    • The majority of the community support ecological improvement works and continued funding for this work.
    • The river’s environment, wildlife and open spaces are valued most by the community.
    • The removal of exotic plants and replacing them with native vegetation is supported.

    The support provided by the community for this project has helped to extend the River Torrens Recovery project, moving beyond the initial 2-year Commonwealth-funded project to one of ongoing environmental action, co-funded by local councils and Natural Resources Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges.

    Read more about the survey findings here.

    You can also download an evaluation form to provide your feedback on this engagement and return it to Water Projects Officer Caroline Dorr at link).

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