SEE Terms of Reference
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 28 February 2020 to 27 March 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
The Terms of Reference informing the suspension, exclusion and expulsion (SEE) Inquiry are broad and examine whether:
- relevant parties are notified a decision has been taken to suspend, exclude or expel a student
- a conference is conducted with the affected student and other required participants
- the suspended or excluded student is provided with other educational and/or development opportunities to support the behavioural and learning goals.
- the department is providing a fair and effective appeals process
- accurate and transparent records are kept of the number of children suspended, excluded, or expelled from school; the nature of and reason for their suspension, exclusion, or expulsion; and their modified or other enrolment or different options (including hours of contact, curriculum offerings etc.)
The SEE Inquiry will also examine:
- the use of suspensions for attracting funding and other supports for students.
- the prevalence and use of formal and informal suspensions, exclusions and expulsions.
- alignment of policy and practice with evidence-based best practice.
the adequacy of current complaint management arrangements in respect of students who are formally or informally suspended, excluded or expelled including:
- whether complaints are being managed appropriately within schools and within the department,
- whether the current arrangements with the South Australian Ombudsman are satisfactory
- whether the jurisdiction and powers of the Ombudsman should be expanded
- whether the Ombudsman should be able to make policy recommendations
- whether there should be a specific education ombudsman, and if so, what their role could be.
the effectiveness of behaviour support policies and student support services. The review must make specific reference to the following:
- whether vulnerable or at-risk students are over-represented in suspension, exclusion and expulsion numbers and whether the department is effectively addressing any such issues.
- whether the data collected by the department regarding suspensions, exclusions and expulsions is sufficient to inform departmental policy-making and programs.
- whether the department is monitoring and preventing instances of suspensions, exclusions and expulsions which occur outside the formal processes.
The SEE Inquiry will also consider the following additional related issue:
- the number of children of compulsory school age who have been disengaged from education, including through modified or other enrolment or different options, including home schooling. This should specifically consider the use of ‘take homes’, part-time programs, exemptions, home-schooling and Open Access.
The Inquiry report will include recommendations about systemic arrangements and processes that would be of benefit to our schools and teachers, families and students, for consideration by the South Australian government.
Consultation has concluded