What you said
For stakeholders who would like to facilitate a conversation with a third party (clients, program participants, job seekers, etc) on behalf of DSD, please download this Record of Discussion Template (DOC 230KB) to record your conversation and email the completed form to DSD.EngageRegions@sa.gov.au.
Alternatively, please encourage people in your network to complete one of the online surveys below, or download a printable version to complete as a paper survey.
Stakeholders in the Adelaide Hills are invited to attend a workshop to consider seven key themes on skills and jobs in the region. They are:
- Youth Employment
- Supporting Small Business to Create Jobs
- Employment with Hospitality and Tourism
- Employment with Aged and Disability Care
- Primary Production, Digital Impacts on Business and Employment
- Access/Transport.
Are there other employment and training priorities that we should consider? Please come along and let us know your thoughts.
Attendance is free, and registration is essential. To register, and for more details please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/adelaide-hills-jobs-and-skills-stakeholder-session-tickets-35870788494
Stakeholders in the Fleurieu Region are invited to attend a workshop to consider seven key themes on skills and jobs in the region. They are:
- Youth Employment
- Supporting Local Business
- Tourism, Hospitality and Retail
- Aged Care Opportunities and NDIS Workforce Needs
- Primary Production and Food, Impacts of Technology
- Transport.
Are there other employment and training priorities that we should consider? Please come along and let us know your thoughts.
Attendance is free, and registration is essential. To register, and for more details please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/fleurieu-peninsula-jobs-and-skills-stakeholder-session-tickets-35902428129
Consultation has concluded