Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board’s 2019-2022 Business Plan

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 11 January 2019 to 31 January 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.


You are invited to have your say on the Kangaroo Island NRM Business Plan 2019-2022.

What is being decided?

The Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management (NRM) Business Plan 2019-2022 outlines future NRM activities on the island and the board’s expected income and proposed expenditure for the next three years.

The business plan 2019–2022 sets out how the board aims to deliver on the goals and objectives of the strategic Kangaroo Island Natural Resources

Consultation Process

Now closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 11 January 2019 to 31 January 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.


You are invited to have your say on the Kangaroo Island NRM Business Plan 2019-2022.

What is being decided?

The Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management (NRM) Business Plan 2019-2022 outlines future NRM activities on the island and the board’s expected income and proposed expenditure for the next three years.

The business plan 2019–2022 sets out how the board aims to deliver on the goals and objectives of the strategic Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Plan 2017–2027.

This business plan also identifies the expected sources of investment for the financial years 2019/20–2021/22, including the land levy, which is collected by the Kangaroo Island Council, and Australian Government funding for projects through their Regional Land Partnerships program.

The board’s priorities encompass a wide range of policies for natural resources management, and cover the following:

• Soil
• Water
• Pest plant and animals
• Land stewardship
• Leadership and governance.

Landscape SA - NRM reforms

The business plan is a transitional plan while the State Government implements NRM reforms across the state. While it has been prepared to cover a 3-year period, it is anticipated this plan will be replaced by the State Government's new Landscape South Australia plans before the end of the 3-year period.

This business plan recognises the State Government’s reform agenda and aligns with the Landscape SA priorities.

Get involved

To give your feedback on all or specific parts of the Kangaroo Island NRM Business Plan 2019-2022:

• join the discussion
• email: KINRC@sa.gov.au
• phone: (08) 8553 4444

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input on the NRM Board’s business plan will help ensure our proposed priorities and expenditure meet the needs and expectations of the Kangaroo Island community.

A summary of consultation submissions will be prepared in a consultation report within 2 weeks of the closure date and made available on this website.

The business plan is then expected to be passed to the Minister’s office for approval by the middle of February.


For more information contact the Kangaroo Island Natural Resouces Centre

• email: KINRC@sa.gov.au
• phone: (08) 8553 4444

Closing: Thursday 31 January 2019


The Kangaroo Island NRM Business Plan 2019–2022 sets out how the board aims to deliver on the goals and objectives of the strategic Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Plan 2017–2027 through its investment over the 3-year period.

This business plan identifies the expected sources of investment for the financial years 2019/20–2021/22.

The business plan 2019–2022 doesn't reflect all funding the region receives, as it doesn't include the state allocation to parks, public lands and state based project activities in the region.

The Natural Resources Kangaroo Island Regional Director, who is also Executive Officer to the board, is responsible for managing staff and resources within the region involved in both Department for Environment and Water and board related programs.

Consistent with the State Government’s policy, the draft plan proposes to limit increases to the regional NRM land and water levies to CPI over the life of the plan.

A new bill, the Landscape SA Bill, is expected to be introduced into Parliament in early 2019, as part of NRM reforms in South Australia. This bill aims to replace the current NRM Act.

Once a new business plan has been finalised, it is intended the plan will not undergo a further review until the new Landscapes South Australia Act is in place.