List of declared animals and new and emerging introduced species
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 25 February 2019 to 18 April 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.
You are invited to give your feedback on our updated List of Declared Animals, and our draft New and Emerging Introduced Animal Policy. Your input will help reduce the risk of declared animals becoming established in South Australia.
What's being decided?
To help prevent the establishment of new pest animals in South Australia, we have updated the current List of Declared Animals and drafted a policy addressing how we manage new and introducedContinue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 25 February 2019 to 18 April 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.
You are invited to give your feedback on our updated List of Declared Animals, and our draft New and Emerging Introduced Animal Policy. Your input will help reduce the risk of declared animals becoming established in South Australia.
What's being decided?
To help prevent the establishment of new pest animals in South Australia, we have updated the current List of Declared Animals and drafted a policy addressing how we manage new and introduced animals to South Australia. We are now in the process of finalising these documents.
List of Declared Animals
We want to know if you support the proposed changes to the List of Declared Animals.
Changes to the current list include:
• taxonomic updates (changes to the scientific names of certain animals)
• the removal of animals that are not in Australia, and cannot be imported
• the addition of animals that are in Australia
• the addition of animals into Class 1 (e.g. red whiskered bulbul)
• the transfer of some animals to a Class with increased restrictions
• the transfer of water buffalo to a Class with fewer restrictions.
This consultation is restricted to Classes 1 - 4 which include animals that are high risk to South Australia, but are not yet here, or are kept in captivity and don’t have established populations in the wild.
New and Emerging Introduced Animal Policy
We also want to know if you support the objectives of the New and Emerging Introduced Animal Policy, to regulate the movement and keeping of introduced animals to prevent incursions into the wild, and to detect and eradicate incursions of new and emerging introduced animals.
Get Involved
To have your say:
- Join the discussion
- Send your feedback to
How can your input influence the decision?
Your feedback will inform the development of the final updated List of Declared Animals, and our New and Emerging Introduced Animal Policy.
What are the next steps?
The revised List of Declared Animals and the New and Emerging Introduced Animal Policy will be published when the consultation process has concluded.
Contact details
For further information contact
Closing date: 5pm Thursday 18 April 2019
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 25 February 2019 to 18 April 2019. Below is a record of this enegagement.
There is an ongoing risk that newly introduced and captive exotic animals could form established populations in South Australia and become pests.
Pest animals impact our agriculture and forestry industries by damaging crops, plantations and attacking livestock. For example, the red-whiskered bulbul, a bird introduced to Australia in1880, has only recently been sighted in South Australia and now poses a major threat to our state’s fruit production.
Pest animals can also act as pathways and reservoirs for diseases, posing risks to public safety.
These animals impact on native species and ecosystems through resource competition and predation. The red-eared slider turtle for example, has esptablished populations in other areas of Australia but has not yet been found in South Australia. This introduced species is outcompeting native turtles for food and habitat.
It is vital potential pest species are identified and detected early to stop them spreading into our environment. To reduce this risk these animals need to be declared which means they can’t be traded or released in South Australia.
Declared animals are listed under the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, are not native to Australia and pose a risk to our environment, economy and social amenities.
The State Government is in the process of reforming natural resources management legislation. A new bill, the Landscape SA Bill, is expected to be introduced into Parliament in early 2019. This bill aims to replace the current NRM Act and is likely to include similar provisions for pest animal declarations. It is anticipated current NRM Act policies will be reflected in the new act.
Get involved
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 25 February 2019 to 18 April 2019. Below is a record of this enegagement.
Feedback is sought from people who hold introduced animals in captivity, from land managers and conservation organisations, interested experts and members of the community
Have your say by joining the online discussion.
- Do you have a comment about the New and emerging introduced animal policy?
- Do you have a comment about the revised List of Declared Animals (Class 1-4)?
- What other areas that should be considered in the management of introduced animals that are not yet established in South Australia?
You can also have your say by:
Emailing a written submission to
List of declared animals and new and emerging introduced species is currently at this stageThe consultation period closed on 18 April 2019 and is currently pending outcome.
Key Dates
19 April 2019