Managing Animals in Emergencies

Consultation has concluded


Help us to improve the management of animal welfare during and after emergencies by giving your feedback on 'Managing Animals in Emergencies: a Framework for South Australia'.

What is being decided?

The Animals in Emergencies SA Framework Project (PDF 460KB) is looking at how animal owners, community, government and non-government organisations collectively contribute to the care and safety of animals in emergencies such as floods, severe storms, fires, heatwave, earthquakes or man-made emergencies such as chemical or oil spills.

Managing Animals in Emergencies: a Framework for South Australia (PDF 890KB) is a document that has been developed to provide


Help us to improve the management of animal welfare during and after emergencies by giving your feedback on 'Managing Animals in Emergencies: a Framework for South Australia'.

What is being decided?

The Animals in Emergencies SA Framework Project (PDF 460KB) is looking at how animal owners, community, government and non-government organisations collectively contribute to the care and safety of animals in emergencies such as floods, severe storms, fires, heatwave, earthquakes or man-made emergencies such as chemical or oil spills.

Managing Animals in Emergencies: a Framework for South Australia (PDF 890KB) is a document that has been developed to provide an overview of:

  • principles that guide planning for the management of animals in emergencies
  • who has responsibilities to address animal welfare in emergencies
  • actions that might be required and assistance that may be provided to help animal welfare after an emergency

The Animals in Emergencies SA Framework Project Team are seeking your feedback on the framework document. In particular, please give us your thoughts on the following:

  • is the information provided in the document clear and useful? If not, what would you suggest needs to be changed?
  • does the framework content adequately address the welfare of animals during and after emergencies?
  • are the roles and responsibilities for managing animals before, during and after emergencies clear and appropriate?

Please note: the document format is to be redesigned prior to publication.

How can your input influence the decision?

Your constructive contribution will be considered by the Animals in Emergencies SA Framework Project Team to ensure the final version of the framework document is clear, informative and relevant.

You can get involved by:

The revised framework will be presented to the State Emergency Management Committee for their consideration. Subject to endorsement, the framework will then be published and available to all South Australians in January 2017.

Any suggestions for improvements in the arrangements that will empower people to act safely and responsibly with their animals before, during and after an emergency incident will be considered by the Project Team and help inform an Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan will be used as a basis to guide follow-up work to improve arrangements for animals during and after emergencies.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 18 November. This will help to ensure the framework is ready for publication in time for the bushfire season.

Want to know more?

Contact us via Twitter @SA_PIRSA or email