Multicultural Legislative Review 2019
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 15 April 2019 to 3 June 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.
How can we modernise our state’s multicultural legislation to reflect the changing needs and aspirations of our growing multicultural community?
What is being decided?
We are reviewing the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1980 to ensure it reflects the changing needs of our multicultural community.
Legislative reform will set a firm foundation for the development of new multicultural policy, which will reflect the state’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity.
We wantContinue reading
Consultation Process
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 15 April 2019 to 3 June 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.
How can we modernise our state’s multicultural legislation to reflect the changing needs and aspirations of our growing multicultural community?
What is being decided?
We are reviewing the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1980 to ensure it reflects the changing needs of our multicultural community.
Legislative reform will set a firm foundation for the development of new multicultural policy, which will reflect the state’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity.
We want the legislation to recognise the valuable contribution of our multicultural community, and further support the development of culturally responsive government services.
The review and consultation will focus on the following Terms of Reference:
1. Explore options for expanding the scope and purpose of the legislation to enshrine multicultural policy directions
2. Review the functions and powers of the Commission and ensure its title reflects this
3. Review the appointment process of Commission members
4. Contemporise the language used in the Act
The Multicultural Legislative Review 2019 Discussion Paper has been prepared to inform and guide the engagement process. The paper includes discussion of the Terms of Reference, current practices under existing legislation, a summary of legislative and policy approaches in other Australian jurisdictions, a set of suggested multicultural principles, proposed approaches and questions for consideration and feedback.
A Multicultural Legislative Review 2019 Research Paper has also been developed to accompany the discussion paper. The research paper provides a description of current multicultural legislation, advisory mechanisms and multicultural policies in other jurisdictions.
The discussion paper should be read in conjunction with the research paper and the Act.
We are strongly commited to supporting our diverse and vibrant multicultural community.
Get involved
Help us shape the new multicultural legislation:
- Join the online discussion
- Complete the survey
- Attend a community forum
- Email your feedback to
How can your input influence the decision?
Community input is critical to ensuring that the new legislation reflects community views and changing needs. Your feedback will help us understand what changes to legislation should be made or considered.
What are the next steps?
A consultation summary will be published in June 2019. The report detailing what we heard from the community and stakeholders, will be available later in the year.
For further information:
Read: Frequently Ask Questions
Phone: 8429 5951
Closing date: 5pm Monday 3 June 2019
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 15 April 2019 to 3 June 2019. Find out more about the consultation process. Below is a record of this engagement.
The South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1980 is the only piece of legislation specific to multicultural affairs.
It was enacted 39 years ago and has not undergone major review in 30 years. A review of the Act provides the opportunity to develop fresh legislation that affirms the government’s commitment to multiculturalism and its importance to South Australia.
We need legislation that sets a foundation for the development of new multicultural policy that reflects the state’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversity, recognises the valuable contribution of our diverse communities and supports the development of culturally responsive government services.
For more information read our FAQs.
Help us shape the new legistaion and get involved.
South Australian Multicultural Bill 2021 passes through both Houses of Parliament
On 14 October 2021, exactly one year after its introduction to Parliament, the landmark South Australian Multicultural Bill 2021 passed both Houses of Parliament.
The Bill was developed following the 2019 review of the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1980, and it will soon replace the Act.
How your feedback shaped this new legislation
The South Australian Multicultural Bill 2021 reflects feedback received during the 2019 consultation process, which strongly supported the need to bring South Australia’s multicultural legislation into the 21st century.
The rich and diverse feedback we received in the review community forums, stakeholder workshops, written submissions and in the online survey conducted via YourSAy was instrumental in shaping the new legislation.
In line with your feedback, the Bill:
- updates the language to reflect contemporary terms with the main changes being the removal of the term ‘ethnic’ and introduction of the concept of interculturalism. Interculturalism expands our thinking on multiculturalism, moving beyond tolerance of different cultures to a deep understanding and respect for different cultures
- acknowledges Aboriginal peoples as South Australia's first peoples and nations, and the traditional owners and occupants of land and waters in South Australia
- requires the development of a new South Australian Multicultural Charter for all South Australians, that is based on a set of multicultural principles
- provides for the Minister to develop the Charter in consultation with the Minister for Aboriginal Engagement and the South Australian Multicultural Commission.
- requires the South Australian Multicultural Commission to be appointed through a public expression of interest process.
- provides for half of the Commission members to be women
- requires representation on the Commission to include at least one person living in regional South Australia at their time of appointment and at least one person to be aged under 25.
Under a transitional provision in the Bill, the current members of the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission will transfer to the South Australian Multicultural Commission when the new legislation is enacted.
The development of the Charter will be led by the new South Australian Multicultural Commission, which will conduct community consultation as a vital part of the Charter development process.
For more information about the new legislation, see Multicultural Legislative Review.
Legislation introduced
The South Australian Multicultural Bill 2020 was introduced to Parliament on 14 October 2020.
Consultation Report released
The Multicultural Legislative Review 2019 Consultation Report is now available.
Multicultural Legislative Review temporarily on hold
The Multicultural Legislative Review has been temporarily put on hold
Written submissions - now available
A record of the written submissions received as part of the Multicultural Legislative Review is now available.
Multicultural Legislative Review 2019 is currently at this stageThis consultation closed on 3 June 2019.
South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission Act 1980 (87.6 KB) (pdf)
Multicultural Legislative Review 2019 Discussion Paper (1.21 MB) (pdf)
Multicultural Legislative Review 2019 Research Paper (1 MB) (pdf)
SAMulticultural Review Consultation Summary v1.pdf (1010 KB) (pdf)
SAMulticultural Review Consultation Summary v2.pdf (1010 KB) (pdf)
Key Dates
03 June 2019