Murray Mallee Regional Plan

Have your say on the Murray Mallee Regional Plan.

What's being decided?

The State Planning Commission (the Commission) has released the draft Murray Mallee Regional Plan (the Plan) and wants to hear from community, councils and industry on how we sustainably prepare for future growth.

The Murray Mallee Regional Plan (the Plan) maps the government’s long-term planning vision for the region to 2051 and beyond. It provides governments, businesses, industry and not-for-profit organisations with the data and direction to better plan for and respond to growth and change in our community and towns, while achieving our conservation goals.

The Plan identifies land and long-term infrastructure needs to support sustainable growth within the region. It reflects the unique and changing profile of the region’s population, environment and economy across its vast rural areas and varied townships.


The Commission, with support from Planning and Land Use Services (PLUS), is currently preparing six new country regional plans for South Australia:

  • Kangaroo Island
  • Yorke Peninsula and Mid North
  • Eyre and Western
  • Far North
  • Limestone Coast
  • Murray Mallee.

These plans play an important role in guiding sustainable growth by identifying land use and long-term infrastructure over a 15-to-30-year period. They outline where new housing and employment areas will be located, how services will be delivered, and what infrastructure is needed while exploring different growth scenarios.

In 2024, Visioning Workshops were held in Murray Bridge and Berri to gather insights to support the initial development of the Plan. Stakeholders unable to attend the workshops were invited to provide feedback through a survey hosted on the YourSAy platform. You can read more about the community’s insights in the What We Heard Report.

The information collected during the workshops and the YourSAy survey have informed the development of the Plan.

Get involved

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What are the next steps?

All feedback will be considered, with the updated Plan being provided to the State Planning Commission for endorsement.

The final Plan will be released late 2025 and will be fully digital and accessible via the Regional Planning Portal.

Have your say on the Murray Mallee Regional Plan.

What's being decided?

The State Planning Commission (the Commission) has released the draft Murray Mallee Regional Plan (the Plan) and wants to hear from community, councils and industry on how we sustainably prepare for future growth.

The Murray Mallee Regional Plan (the Plan) maps the government’s long-term planning vision for the region to 2051 and beyond. It provides governments, businesses, industry and not-for-profit organisations with the data and direction to better plan for and respond to growth and change in our community and towns, while achieving our conservation goals.

The Plan identifies land and long-term infrastructure needs to support sustainable growth within the region. It reflects the unique and changing profile of the region’s population, environment and economy across its vast rural areas and varied townships.


The Commission, with support from Planning and Land Use Services (PLUS), is currently preparing six new country regional plans for South Australia:

  • Kangaroo Island
  • Yorke Peninsula and Mid North
  • Eyre and Western
  • Far North
  • Limestone Coast
  • Murray Mallee.

These plans play an important role in guiding sustainable growth by identifying land use and long-term infrastructure over a 15-to-30-year period. They outline where new housing and employment areas will be located, how services will be delivered, and what infrastructure is needed while exploring different growth scenarios.

In 2024, Visioning Workshops were held in Murray Bridge and Berri to gather insights to support the initial development of the Plan. Stakeholders unable to attend the workshops were invited to provide feedback through a survey hosted on the YourSAy platform. You can read more about the community’s insights in the What We Heard Report.

The information collected during the workshops and the YourSAy survey have informed the development of the Plan.

Get involved

Find out more:

Have your say by:

What are the next steps?

All feedback will be considered, with the updated Plan being provided to the State Planning Commission for endorsement.

The final Plan will be released late 2025 and will be fully digital and accessible via the Regional Planning Portal.

  • You are invited to share your views on the Murray Mallee Regional Plan

    This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete depending on the level of detail you would like to provide in your answers. It will remain open until 11:59pm on Tuesday 17 June 2025. 

    The Easy Read version of the survey can be found here.

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 26 Mar 2025, 03:23 PM