Music Education

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 11 May 2018 to 1 June 2018.

Help us understand what music education means to you - what it is, what it could be and how important it is.

What is being decided?

Our aim is to better understand music education in South Australia from the perspectives of the people who deliver, use and support it in the public education and care system. We want to learn more about how students master their craft, how they benefit from what they learn and

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 11 May 2018 to 1 June 2018.

Help us understand what music education means to you - what it is, what it could be and how important it is.

What is being decided?

Our aim is to better understand music education in South Australia from the perspectives of the people who deliver, use and support it in the public education and care system. We want to learn more about how students master their craft, how they benefit from what they learn and how, in some cases, they move into music-related industries as professionals.

Your feedback will help create a Music Education Strategy for South Australia. This Strategy will improve the delivery music education, and of the many benefits it offers, to children and young people. This includes the development of thinking and learning skills, self-confidence and self-efficacy, literacy and numeracy and social inclusivity.

The Music Education Strategy is supported by the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra and the Elder Conservatorium of Music. The Adelaide Symphony Orchestra's work in the community encourages understanding and discovery, community cohesion and cultural exchange, with a focus on access for all. The Elder Conservatorium embraces the creative and educational potential of music, and the wide variety of communities represented by music. Together they provide expertise, experience and energy that will be vital to the development of a successful strategy.

The Music Education Strategy recognises the central role that music plays in the life of young South Australians, from before birth to the end of their schooling years. It also acknowledges the importance of music to all South Australians, as those school leavers take their skills and knowledge into the adult world to shape the future of the State. The Music Education Strategy consultation process will help us understand what music education means to South Australians from all walks of life, what they would like it to achieve and how they think this could be done.

Terms of reference

The Strategy's work is guided by eight terms of reference. These are:

  1. Gain an improved understanding of the benefits of music education, as it relates to the arts curriculum and to the broader context of education from early childhood to Year 12.
  2. Increase the number of opportunities for South Australian children and young people, from early childhood to Year 12, to participate in a continuous, sequential and developmental music education.
  3. Improve the connections between teachers, school leaders and music curriculum support services to support music education from early childhood to Year 12.
  4. Support South Australian teachers (specialist and non-specialist) to deliver high-quality music education to children and young people from early childhood to Year 12, based on the Australian Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework and with support through professional learning opportunities.
  5. Support music education for children and young people from early childhood to Year 12 through leadership, equipment, and other resources.
  6. Promote the engagement and retention of children and young people in a quality music education from early childhood to Year 12.
  7. Increase opportunities for young people to identify employment pathways to confidently pursue careers and/or further education in the music industry.
  8. Identify and work with partners, from within and outside the early childhood-to-Year-12 education system.

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input will help us understand the experiences and needs of everyone who is involved in music education in public education and care so we can make the best possible decisions on how to provide support for it. Your stories will bring music education to life, and your ideas will help us explore ways to make sure the benefits of music education are available to as many children and young people as possible.

How will your input be used?

We will provide updates on our website and via YourSAy and will publish a Music Education Strategy in the second half of 2018.

Get involved

You can share your feedback by:

  • joining the online discussion;
  • completing the survey for children, young people and their families;
  • completing the survey for industry and the community; or
  • completing the call for submissions.

Please complete the survey which best suits your circumstances. The call for submissions is also available, should you wish to respond to the Music Education Strategy terms of reference in more detail. You are welcome to complete both a survey and a submission.

Have your say before comments close at 5pm Friday 1 June 2018.

Want more information?

If you need more information, you can:


Music is part of being human. Fossil finds suggest the human voice may have gained its full range around half a million years ago. Our distant ancestors may have sung to communicate before the invention of language.

All human cultures and social groups now make and respond to music – in rituals and traditions, celebrations and stories, relaxation and religion. Music can define cultures, as well as unite them. Recently certain types of music have been shown to be an effective therapeutic tool for conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, while different forms of music have been credited as important contributors to social progress and change.

Music is just as important for individuals as it is society.

The Music Education Strategy recognises the central role that music plays in the life of young South Australians, from before birth to the end of their schooling years. It also acknowledges the importance of music to all South Australians, as those school leavers take their skills and knowledge into the adult world to shape the future of the State.

The Music Education Strategy consultation process will help us understand what music education means to South Australians from all walks of life, what they would like it to achieve and how they think this could be done. We will provide updates on our website and via YourSAy and will publish a Music Education Strategy in the second half of 2018.

Terms of reference

The Strategy's work is guided by eight terms of reference. These are:

  1. Gain an improved understanding of the benefits of music education, as it relates to the arts curriculum and to the broader context of education from early childhood to Year 12.
  2. Increase the number of opportunities for South Australian children and young people, from early childhood to Year 12, to participate in a continuous, sequential and developmental music education.
  3. Improve the connections between teachers, school leaders and music curriculum support services to support music education from early childhood to Year 12.
  4. Support South Australian teachers (specialist and non-specialist) to deliver high-quality music education to children and young people from early childhood to Year 12, based on the Australian Curriculum and the Early Years Learning Framework and with support through professional learning opportunities.
  5. Support music education for children and young people from early childhood to Year 12 through leadership, equipment, and other resources.
  6. Promote the engagement and retention of children and young people in a quality music education from early childhood to Year 12.
  7. Increase opportunities for young people to identify employment pathways to confidently pursue careers and/or further education in the music industry.
  8. Identify and work with partners, from within and outside the early childhood-to-Year-12 education system.