Nature-based tourism

Consultation has concluded


This engagement has closed, thanks for your interest. You can find the next steps in the process here.


It's an exciting time for the tourism industry

With a renewed State Government tourism focus and an objective to create 10,000 new jobs by 2020, we've taken this opportunity to engage with those who know the industry inside out to explore how we can work together on nature-based tourism.

As part of this process we’re developing an action plan for South Australia’s national parks, marine parks and reserves to boost nature-based tourism in South Australia.

Nature is the number


This engagement has closed, thanks for your interest. You can find the next steps in the process here.


It's an exciting time for the tourism industry

With a renewed State Government tourism focus and an objective to create 10,000 new jobs by 2020, we've taken this opportunity to engage with those who know the industry inside out to explore how we can work together on nature-based tourism.

As part of this process we’re developing an action plan for South Australia’s national parks, marine parks and reserves to boost nature-based tourism in South Australia.

Nature is the number one driver of international visitors to Australia, with about 40 percent of all international visitors to Australia travelling to a national park in 2013-14.

Our national parks, marine parks and reserves are valuable assets for community appreciation, recreation and general wellbeing. They protect our natural and cultural heritage, they maintain habitats for species that are vital to our way of living and our primary industries, and they provide opportunities for science and learning and job creation through tourism.

We want to take bold actions and stimulate new opportunities that will respect and complement our parks, and help nature-based tourism businesses to grow.

This initial round of tourism industry consultation asks for big picture thinking and ideas that could make a significant difference to the way our parks are valued for conservation, recreation and tourism.

We invite you to contribute your views.

Have your say now

We recommend reading the discussion paper first so that you know what's happening - it's designed with busy people in mind and is 10 pages long. Then:

1) Complete the survey below - it should only take 5-10 minutes.
2) If you would like to provide more detail, email a submission to

(The survey below is not enabled for mobile and best completed on a desktop device.)