New SA Health Mental Health Services Plan
Consultation has concluded
Consultation Process
UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the engagement process from 14 November 2018 – 2 December 2018.
What is being decided?
The State Government is committed to improving the delivery of mental health services across our state to support the wellbeing of our communities.
The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist and the South Australian Mental Health Commission are working on the development of a new SA Health Mental Health Services Plan, to be delivered to the Government by March 2019. It will build on the directions outlined in the SA Mental Health StrategicContinue reading
Consultation Process
UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the engagement process from 14 November 2018 – 2 December 2018.
What is being decided?
The State Government is committed to improving the delivery of mental health services across our state to support the wellbeing of our communities.
The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist and the South Australian Mental Health Commission are working on the development of a new SA Health Mental Health Services Plan, to be delivered to the Government by March 2019. It will build on the directions outlined in the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017-22 and will align with the 5th National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan.
The plan will benefit users of mental health services, and enable our skilled and dedicated staff to deliver services of the highest quality, which are safe and have in-built protection systems that ensure the rights of people who use our services are respected and maintained.
We want to ensure that key stakeholders, particularly people with lived experience and those most affected by decisions made, are involved at all stages of the development, implementation and evaluation of the new SA Health Mental Health Services Plan.
You are invited to have your say on what should be in the plan by providing suggestions, ideas and other feedback.
We want to hear from South Australians about the priorities that should be addressed in the SA Health Mental Health Services Plan.
Get involved
Join the discussion and provide your feedback by:
- completing the survey
- joining the online discussion
- emailing the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist or the SA Mental Health Commission.
How can your input influence the decision?
Your input and feedback will be provided to the relevant project work group and taken into consideration in the drafting of the SA Health Mental Health Services Plan before it is released for consultation.
How will your input be used?
Further consultation will take place in December 2018, with the final plan to be delivered to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing in March 2019.
Contact details
For general inquiries, please email
Closing date Sunday 2 December 2018
Building on the vision and direction provided by the government in the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017-2022, the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist and the SA Mental Health Commission are partnering to develop the new SA Health Mental Health Services Plan.
The SA Health Mental Health Services Plan will provide a framework to ensure that quality care occurs in consistent and innovative ways across state operated and commissioned mental health and wellbeing services. It will align with the 5th National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan. The plan will describe what consumers should expect when using mental health services, the range of services and associated resources required to meet population-based needs. A model of service delivery will be articulated at a high level to determine the scope and size of services and associated resource requirements, but specific details of service models and team arrangements will be determined locally.
The Mental Health Services Plan project is led by an expert Steering Group that includes people with extensive experience in the fields of mental health, service planning, design and delivery, and community, carer and consumer representation. Throughout the process of the South Australian Mental Health Services Plan development, SA Health staff, people with lived experience (consumers and carers), the community, service providers, government, non-government and private organisations, and academic institutions will be able to provide their suggestions, ideas and feedback to inform the plan.
Further targeted consultation will take place in December 2018, with the final plan to be delivered to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing in March 2019.
Find out more about the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017-2022.
Find out more about the 5th National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan.
New SA Health Mental Health Services Plan is currently at this stageThe consultation period closed on 2 December 2018 and is currently pending outcome.
Key Dates
02 December 2018
14 December 2018
31 March 2019