Is there any known Aboriginal heritage in the application areas?

    The application areas are known to contain Aboriginal objects and a traditional burial site that is recorded on AAR’s central archives. A small part of the historical floodplain of the Onkaparinga River (Ngangkiparri), a reported Aboriginal site, also intersects one of the Application Areas. See the attached map that shows the application areas in relation to the known Aboriginal heritage.

    If granted, the authorisations would allow the Applicant (subject to conditions) to damage, disturb and/or interfere with Aboriginal heritage and to excavate land for the purposes of uncovering Aboriginal heritage. 

    The Applicant has developed a Cultural Heritage Management Plan with Kaurna representatives for managing known, as well as any discovered, Aboriginal heritage, throughout the life of the Project. 

    The Applicant is currently undertaking a Ground Penetrating Radar assessment over most of the Application Areas to check for subsurface anomalies, which will subsequently involve archaeological test-pitting to confirm the presence or absence of heritage. No archaeological uncovering or excavation of any heritage detected during test-pitting would be undertaken unless and until the authorisations sought by the Applicant are granted. 

    Please refer to the Consultation Information Pack and Consultation Notice for further information about Aboriginal heritage and the Applicant’s proposed Aboriginal heritage management.

    Will there be a meeting to discuss the Project?

    An Aboriginal community consultation meeting about the application will be held from 10.00 am on Thursday 20 June 2024 at the South Adelaide Football Club (the ‘Zone Room’) at 1 Lovelock Drive, Noarlunga Downs SA 5168.

    Lunch will be provided for attendees during that meeting. If you wish to attend, for catering purposes, please RSVP to AAR on (08) 8429 9419 or via 

    Submissions can be lodged until Friday 5 July 2024. For further details, please call 8429 9419 or visit

    Will I be notified once a decision has been made?

    Traditional Owners and interested Aboriginal parties who provide feedback, a submission, or simply request AAR to notify them of the decision during the consultation, will be notified of the Deputy Premier’s decision once she makes it. The outcome of her decision will also be published on YourSAy.