Northern and Yorke Draft Regional Natural Resources Management Plan 2018-2028

Consultation has concluded


Have your say on the Northern and Yorke Draft Regional Natural Resources Management Plan for 2018-2028, guiding how the land, water, biodiversity, marine and coastal environments are managed in our region for the next ten years.

What is being decided?

The Northern and Yorke NRM Board is currently reviewing the Northern and Yorke Regional NRM Plan. The Regional NRM Plan 2009-2018 was adopted ten years ago and the Northern and Yorke NRM Board is updating the plan in consultation with the community and key stakeholders.

The updated Regional NRM Plan for 2018-2028 consists of:


Have your say on the Northern and Yorke Draft Regional Natural Resources Management Plan for 2018-2028, guiding how the land, water, biodiversity, marine and coastal environments are managed in our region for the next ten years.

What is being decided?

The Northern and Yorke NRM Board is currently reviewing the Northern and Yorke Regional NRM Plan. The Regional NRM Plan 2009-2018 was adopted ten years ago and the Northern and Yorke NRM Board is updating the plan in consultation with the community and key stakeholders.

The updated Regional NRM Plan for 2018-2028 consists of:

  • a fresh 10 year strategic plan (PDF), outlining the vision, goals, targets and strategies for natural resources management in the region
  • a 3 year business plan (PDF), outlining the actions that the Northern and Yorke NRM Board will undertake and invest in to achieve the strategic plan’s goals.

The plan encourages people to work together to protect and enhance our natural ecosystems while sustaining the region's primary production, local economies, social and community well-being.

Natural Resources Northern and Yorke has carried out extensive community engagement in the past two years to define what matters to our community, determine the challenges facing the region and, importantly, identify opportunities to address these challenges.

Your input and feedback will help make sure what we have heard and captured in the plan is correct before finalising the document.

How can your input influence the decision?

The Northern and Yorke NRM Board is seeking your feedback on the Draft Regional NRM Plan 2009-2018, comprised of:

Your input, as well as input from local government, industry, environmental organisations, community groups and other key stakeholders will help the board determine whether the plan reflects the values and needs of our community.

All feedback will be considered by the Northern and Yorke NRM Board in finalising the Draft Regional NRM Plan at its next meeting.

A summary of all feedback and the NRM board’s response will be provided to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation in a consultation report. The report will also summarise the efforts made to consult on the plan.

The Draft Regional NRM Plan will then be amended as a result of your feedback, and forwarded to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, along with the consultation report, for consideration and adoption by June 2018.

How to get involved

Consultation closes on Monday 30 October 2017.

Have your say and submit your feedback by:

Presiding Member
Northern Yorke Natural Resources Management Board
155 Main North Road
CLARE, SA 5453

How will your input be used?

Personalised feedback letters will be sent to everyone that submits a formal response, detailing the comments raised, responses to those comments and whether any changes were made to the Draft Regional NRM Plan as a result of those comments.

The local media will also be provided with information about amendments to the plan as a result of community feedback. Further information, updates and media releases will be available on the Natural Resources Northern and Yorke website.


The Northern and Yorke NRM Board is currently reviewing its Regional NRM Plan. The Regional NRM Plan 2009-2018 was adopted ten years ago. This review incorporates a comprehensive process to develop a fresh 10 year Strategic Plan and 3 year Business Plan which combine to form the Regional NRM Plan 2018-2028. The plan was prepared on behalf of the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board under the requirements of Section 75 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (NRM Act).

The Regional NRM Plan has been specifically designed as a collective plan for organisations, businesses, industries, community groups, landholders and individuals in the Northern and Yorke region. This is because managing natural resources is a shared responsibility, and all these groups and people are critical to the success of natural resources management.

The Regional NRM Plan review process started in June 2015 with the release of a concept statement. The board then spent more than a year engaging with the local community, including through stakeholder presentations and workshops, surveys, stakeholder interviews, working groups and existing Community Action Planning programs.

The board has engaged with the community and other key stakeholders to listen to the issues that matter, identify areas for improvement, identify the key threats facing the region and what needs to be done to ensure our natural resources remain healthy and productive for future generations.

The draft Strategic Plan 2018-2028 and draft Business Plan 2018-2021 developed for community and stakeholder review have evolved from years of working with local community members, stakeholders and landowners. The draft Strategic Plan and draft Business Plan combine to form the draft Regional NRM Plan 2018-2028.