The Northern Eyre Health Care project is pleased to provide to the region's communities, a monthly newsletter as your guide to visiting and local healthcare services in the Northern Eyre Peninsula towns of Streaky Bay, Elliston, Wudinna, Kimba, Cleve and Cowell.
This newsletter will be grown and improved over time to suit the needs of the community. If there are services, information or other content that you would like to see included in this newsletter, please contact the project team at
Please note:
The locum doctor roster contained within the newsletter is subject to frequent change. These changes are beyond the control of the Northern Eyre Health Care project. Please contact your local medical practice to confirm doctor schedules.
Updates to the online version of the roster will be made weekly, via the links below, however, any printed versions of the roster will not be updated.
Your monthly guide to healthcare services
The Northern Eyre Health Care project is pleased to provide to the region's communities, a monthly newsletter as your guide to visiting and local healthcare services in the Northern Eyre Peninsula towns of Streaky Bay, Elliston, Wudinna, Kimba, Cleve and Cowell.
This newsletter will be grown and improved over time to suit the needs of the community. If there are services, information or other content that you would like to see included in this newsletter, please contact the project team at
Please note:
The locum doctor roster contained within the newsletter is subject to frequent change. These changes are beyond the control of the Northern Eyre Health Care project. Please contact your local medical practice to confirm doctor schedules.
Updates to the online version of the roster will be made weekly, via the links below, however, any printed versions of the roster will not be updated.