Consultation Update
The Northern Water Supply - Business Case page was able to serve the purpose of engaging with the local community and stakeholders.
The page assisted the project providing an update on the Business Case by consulting with the community. The yourSAy page also supported with registration of interest, building the stakeholder and community relationships.
The Northern Water project has progressed and completed the Business Case phase of the project and is entering the next phase.
The Project has changed direction from the initial proposal, focusing on a new site location, project progression and a slight project name change, which is updated on the new projects yourSAy page. Therefore, the project requires the Northern Water Supply - Business Case page to remain visible as an archived link to the new page ensuring the stakeholders and community have access to the previous stages of the project and to ensure project transparency. However, please be aware the content is no longer accurate.
The next phase of the project is available for contribution and viewing at Northern Water | YourSAy
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.