Updated MCA - Cape Hardy site option
An extensive site selection process commenced in 2022, this has included input from key stakeholders, technical investigations, and a formal multi-criteria-assessment (MCA) process.
Three sites were initially short listed (at Crag Point, Port Lowly and at Mullaquana Station). Mullaquana Station was best performing site in the initial MCA scoring process.
A fourth site at Cape Hardy was added to the short list in mid 2023 after additional industry interest was received that reduced the financial impacts of constructing the plant so far south in the Spencer Gulf meaning was it was a potentially feasible option.
Early engagement with key stakeholder has been favourable towards Cape Hardy as a potential site for the desalination plant.
A supplementary MCA scoring process was undertaken for the Cape Hardy option in mid 2023. A summary of the MCA process including the supplementary process can be found here in our document library.
The supplementary MCA scoring process identified Cape Hardy as the best performing site across the four options considered.
The MCA result has been presented to the South Australian Government to help inform the selection of a preferred study site for detailed Planning and Assessment.
The next steps of the project once a preferred study site has been identified will be:
- Lodgement of a development application and EPBC referral for the desalination plant and pipeline,
- detailed environmental studies (anticipated to be in the form of an Environmental Impact Statement),
- cultural heritage survey and negotiating Native Title agreements,
- negotiating land access agreements,
- infrastructure procurement processes,
- completion of off take agreements, and
- other activities required to provide Government with clear understanding of the risks and opportunities associated with the project.
Feedback can be provided about the MCA outcomes by completing a survey.
Thank you for taking time to provide your feedback. Feedback will be included in the site selection chapter of the environmental impact assessment report.
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.