Northern Water Supply Business Case Update - Engagement Summary Report live

Thank you for your interest in the Northern Water Supply Project Business Case.
The Business Case is now complete and has been submitted to the South Australian Government. The Business Case assesses the potential for a new and sustainable water supply for the Far North and Upper Spencer Gulf by constructing a seawater desalination plant, pipeline and supporting infrastructure.
A fundamental part of the Business Case development has been listening to the issues, concerns and opportunities that are important to stakeholders and the community. Thank you to all those who have been involved in the project so far. The feedback we received was reviewed by the project team and included in the Business Case. A summary report on what we heard during the engagement process and how we plan to incorporate this feedback into the project is now available in the document library here.
Next Steps
The South Australian Government is now reviewing the Business Case to decide if and how to proceed with the project. All aspects of the project are being carefully considered before a decision is made to proceed the project including site options, and governance and procurement process. Potential demand from Green Hydrogen is being factored into the planning. A decision on a location for detailed investigations and planning towards a desalination plant will be taken soon. Any site selected will be subject to detailed environmental assessments and ongoing community and stakeholder engagement.
Keep talking, we are listening.
We want to keep hearing what issues and/or opportunities are important to you. You can connect with the Project Team on 8429 4650, or visit the yourSAy page again for updates and future engagement opportunities.
Consultation has concluded. Thanks for your contributions.