Our new planning system: new ways of monitoring development

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 23 August 2018 - 17 October 2018. Below is a record of the consultation process.

We want your feedback on the proposed approach to reporting and monitoring performance indicators for South Australia's new planning system.

This engagement forms part of a new planning and development system for South Australia - you can read more about it below.

What is being decided?

We are currently developing a new, more efficient and transparent planning system for South Australia.

As part of this new system, we are introducing a new online

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 23 August 2018 - 17 October 2018. Below is a record of the consultation process.

We want your feedback on the proposed approach to reporting and monitoring performance indicators for South Australia's new planning system.

This engagement forms part of a new planning and development system for South Australia - you can read more about it below.

What is being decided?

We are currently developing a new, more efficient and transparent planning system for South Australia.

As part of this new system, we are introducing a new online system for reporting on and monitoring performance indicators that will provide key insights for government, local councils and residents.

The proposed online system for performance indicators will provide valuable insights on the overall ‘health’ of South Australia’s planning system by capturing statistics about how many developments have been applied for, have been approved or are in progress.

You can read about the proposed approach for reporting and monitoring performance indicators by reading the Performance Indicators Discussion Paper, or you can read the overview section in the Summary Paper.

Watch the video in the South Australia's New Planning System tab to find out more about the core elements of the planning system.

Get involved

You can provide your feedback by:

  • Joining the online discussion
  • Completing the online survey
  • Taking part in a poll to let us know what you believe is the most important area when measuring and reporting on development in South Australia
  • Attending the Open House Drop-in Session
  • Attending a Consultation Workshop on Performance Indicators:
    • 25 September 2018 (for planning professionals)
    • 26 September 2018 (for community groups)

In addition to the above online discussion, survey and event, you can also lodge a written submission on Performance Indicators and send this to:

Tom Victory, Project Lead, Performance Indicators
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
Level 5, 50 Flinders Street, Adelaide 5000
GPO Box 1815, Adelaide SA 5001

Email: DPTI.PlanningEngagement@sa.gov.au

Please note all submissions will be made publicly available on the SA Planning Portal following the close of the consultation.

How will your input be used to influence the decision?

Based on the feedback we receive, we will prepare a ‘What We Heard’ report which will be published on the SA Planning Portal.

This will be used to refine processes and the type of data we could potentially collect and help inform the new framework for all planning and development across our state.

Closing date: 5pm Wednesday 17 October 2018


South Australia is undergoing the biggest modernisation of its planning system in 20 years, with new assessment procedures being introduced to better deal with community and industry expectations. How we assess development will be more straightforward and easy to understand, and assisting good development and better design outcomes that delivers real benefits for our community.

Simple forms of development will follow a streamlined assessment process to obtain approval, while proposals for developments of greater complexity will follow a more rigorous process.

The Performance Indicators Discussion Paper proposes ways in which all development will be measured and monitored, and how statistical data about planning applications will be reported on. This paper describes development monitoring, data gathering which provides valuable, easily accessible information about development outcomes and the ‘health’ of the planning system.

The Assessment Pathways Discussion Paper provides an overview of new development application assessment processes which will become operational in South Australia by mid-2020.

By July 2020 our state will have a more robust and responsive development assessment and monitoring framework. This will provide greater transparency and efficiency in our planning system to help protect our urban, regional and rural assets while supporting responsible development and good planning decisions for South Australia’s future.

Watch the video in the South Australia's New Planning System tab to find out more about the core elements of the planning system.

Consultation has concluded