Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 April to 31 May 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.

We would like your feedback on the proposed indicators and measures for the Outcomes Framework for SA's children and young people.

What is being decided?

We are developing an Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People (birth to 18 years), to monitor, track and report the outcomes of children and young people in 5 dimensions:

  1. Health
  2. Safety
  3. Wellbeing
  4. Education
  5. Citizenship

The Outcomes Framework will guide the South Australian Government’s work for children and young people

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 April to 31 May 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.

We would like your feedback on the proposed indicators and measures for the Outcomes Framework for SA's children and young people.

What is being decided?

We are developing an Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People (birth to 18 years), to monitor, track and report the outcomes of children and young people in 5 dimensions:

  1. Health
  2. Safety
  3. Wellbeing
  4. Education
  5. Citizenship

The Outcomes Framework will guide the South Australian Government’s work for children and young people and target policy, legislation, funding and services to inform a cooperative, whole-of-government (state and local), approach to the setting of objectives or policies affecting children and young people.

The Outcomes Framework will include provisions designed to improve the outcomes of Aboriginal children and young people.

By having robust indicators and measures, the Outcomes Framework will allow longitudinal tracking and reporting, and provide a way or means of telling how all children and young people in South Australia are developing and progressing over time.

How can your input influence the decision?

Feedback from children and young people, their parents, carers, families and others in South Australia will help determine the indicators and measures that are crucial to tracking and reporting the outcomes of our youngest South Australians.

Get involved:

Review the proposed indicators and measures for the Outcomes Framework and tell us what you think about them.

Outcomes Framework Consultation
Child Development Council
GPO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001

  • Encourage children and young people under 18 years to respond to this short survey

What are the next steps?

Following public consultation across the state, the proposed Outcomes Framework will be completed in accordance with the instructions of the Minister for Education. Once approved by the Minister, the Outcomes Framework will be published in the Government Gazette.

The Outcomes Framework will guide the SA government’s work for children and young people and target policy, legislation, funding and services to improve the outcomes of young South Australians.


For more information:

Phone: 8463 6429
Email: ChildrenSA@sa.gov.au(External link)

Closing date: 5pm Friday 31 May 2019


Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 2 April to 31 May 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.

South Australia has established 4 oversight and advocacy bodies for children and young people (birth to 18 years) in the Children and Young People Oversight and Advocacy Bodies Act 2016(External link). The Act creates a legislative framework for the rights, development and wellbeing of children and young people in South Australia.

The 4 independent oversight and advocacy entities include:

  • Child Development Council
  • Commissioner for Children and Young People
  • Guardian for Children and Young People
  • Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee

The Child Development Council and Outcomes Framework

The Child Development Council’s primary function is to develop a whole-of-state, whole-of-government, Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People (Outcomes Framework) that must include a Charter for Children and Young People (Charter) in the 5 dimensions of health, safety, wellbeing, education and citizenship.

The Outcomes Framework has been described as a whole-of-state, whole-of-government (state and local) scorecard or a way or means of telling how SA’s children and young people are developing and progressing over time. The main focus of the Outcomes Framework will be to track, monitor and report on the agreed outcomes to be achieved for all children and young people in SA.

The Charter represents a shared commitment to promote the wellbeing of SA’s children and young people and it will set out the conditions that allow every child and young person to thrive.

The Act requires the Council to prepare and maintain an Outcomes Framework (including the Charter) and to advise, and report to, the Government on the effectiveness of the Outcomes Framework in improving the outcomes of children and young people in terms of:

  • keeping children and young people safe from harm
  • ensuring that children and young people are cared for in a way that allows them to realise their potential
  • improving the physical and mental health, and the emotional wellbeing, of children and young people
  • improving the participation of children and young people in educational and vocational training
  • improving the participation of children and young people in sporting, creative, cultural and other recreational activities
  • ensuring that children and young people are properly prepared for taking their position in society as responsible citizens
  • maintaining the cultural identity of children and young people

The Council will promote the implementation of the Outcomes Framework in respect of matters affecting children and young people under state law, and work collaboratively with State authorities (including all state and local government bodies); Commonwealth agencies; industry, professional and community groups; and all organisations with functions relevant to the Council’s work.

The Council commenced its work on 28 March 2018 under the leadership of Dr Anne Glover AO, Presiding Member, who leads a Council membership with national and international experience and expertise that includes education, health, disability, epidemiology, youth justice, guardianship and bullying.

The Outcomes Framework, once gazetted, will guide the SA government’s work for children and young people and target policy, legislation, funding and services to improve the outcomes of young South Australians.

The Charter will represent a shared commitment to promote the development, wellbeing and rights of South Australia’s youngest citizens and set out the conditions that would allow every child and young person to thrive.


In preparing the Outcomes Framework, the Council is consulting extensively and engaging children and young people, and their parents, carers and families. The Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Regulations 2017 sets out the consultation requirements.

The Council is ensuring an appropriate focus on the needs of priority population groups and is developing performance indicators against which progress in relation to the development and wellbeing of children and young people in the State can be tracked over time.

After an initial targeted consultation phase in December 2018 and January 2019, the potential indicators and measures are now available for public consultation.

The Council will run focus groups and forums with children and young people during the public consultation.

To find out more about the council, visit the Child Development Council (External link)website.

Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome

    South Australia’s first-ever Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People aims to help our youngest citizens to start well, grow strong and experience a good life.

    The framework was formally adopted on 14 November 2019, placing South Australia at the forefront of an emerging national trend for a holistic focus on improving the policy settings and service delivery to the young.

    The framework sets out to monitor, track and report the outcomes of children and young people in five dimensions: health, safety, wellbeing, education and citizenship.

    Identifying trends and pointing to where improvements are needed to improve the outcomes of all groups of children and young people in our state will assist in targeting policy, legislation, funding and services.

    Feedback from across South Australia from children and young people, parents, families, carers and other adults helped to determine the measures most crucial in tracking and reporting outcomes.

    The Child Development Council thanks all contributors, including children and young people who advised about what makes a good life, directly shaping the framework’s Charter that sets out 20 conditions for all young South Australians to thrive.

    For more information, head to the Children's SA Website(External link).

    Enquiries to ChildrenSA@sa.gov.au(External link), phone (08) 8463 6429 during business hours.

  • Updates

    20 Nov 2019

    Outcomes Framework formally adopted

    South Australia’s first-ever Outcomes Framework for Children and Young People formally adopted.