What is a park management plan?
Park management plans are the main strategic documents used to manage protected areas in South Australia. They set the strategic direction, contain information on park values and threats and outline the objectives and strategies for how parks will be managed.
Why has a new management plan been developed for these parks?
The current management plans covering these parks were adopted in the mid to late 2000s and have become outdated. This new plan provides updated strategic direction and contemporary management of biodiversity, wilderness, visitation, visitor facilities and cultural heritage in these parks.
The values and threats that have been identified are broadly consistent which enables management strategies to be applied across the 4 parks. One management plan supports a consistent approach to management of these parks across the Jussieu Peninsula.
How does the plan guide the management of the parks?
The plan is a strategic document that provides an overview of how the parks will be managed. Under the Wilderness Protection Act 1992 and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 the parks must be managed in accordance with the park management plan.
The plan contains 5 key themes based around maintaining wilderness values, conserving native vegetation, protecting threatened flora and fauna species and enabling visitors to experience the natural and wilderness qualities of the area. Each theme has an objective and a range of strategies that inform operational work plans and the day-to-day management of the parks. When funding becomes available, the plan will guide where that funding should be focused.
What are management zones?
Management zones are areas created within a park for particular management purposes. Land within management zones must be kept and maintained in accordance with the conditions outlined in the management plan. Four management zones have been designated in the plan to establish a framework for the use and consistent management of the parks to protect high quality ecological values, conserve wilderness quality, manage visitation to islands and guide the development of visitor facilities and tourist accommodation.
Are any additional visitor facilities detailed in this plan?
Upgrades and new facilities and infrastructure such as campgrounds and day visit areas will be considered in Lincoln National Park where there is a need to improve the visitor experience, accommodate higher demand, reduce environmental impacts or improve park management operations. While tourist accommodation is envisaged in the plan, there are a number of further steps before a tourism accommodation proposal can be developed, including formal planning approval processes under the planning and development code.
In the Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area, the Memory Cove Visitor Zone will be re-configured to provide a better experience for visitors, better segmentation of the day visit area and campground and upgrading of current facilities.
How will access to islands be managed?
Access to all islands for any purpose requires prior approval from the Department for Environment and Water, which is consistent with other islands off the Eyre Peninsula. Applications will be assessed to identify alignment with management zones, identify potential risks and to ensure strategies are in place to minimise impacts.
Approvals will include conditions to minimise disturbance to wildlife and the environment, manage the number of people, keep visitors safe and ensure biosecurity protocols are in place. Other conditions or approvals such as permission in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Regulations 2016, Wilderness Protection Regulations 2021, a scientific research permit or a commercial tour operator’s licence may also be required.
Why is there a daily vehicle limit in Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area?
Entry to the mainland section of Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area will be restricted to a maximum of 15 vehicles per day to maintain the parks wilderness qualities and provide a unique wilderness experience for visitors. This will be managed by way of a locked gate within Lincoln National Park at the entrance to Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area. Visitors will be required to book their visit online and collect a key prior to entry.
Why doesn't the plan contain more detail on what will be undertaken?
The draft plan is intended to set the direction for strategic management of the parks as outlined in the objectives and strategies. It is not intended to address every issue or cover every aspect of management in detail. The specific actions required to manage the parks in accordance with the plan will be developed and monitored at the park operations level. This approach ensures that the plan is flexible and able to guide a range of future management challenges and opportunities.
What happens to the existing management plans when the new one is finalised?
Once this new plan is adopted by the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water it will replace the current management plans for these parks.
When will the management plan be finalised?
At the conclusion of the 3-month consultation period, feedback received will be collated and analysed and used in developing the final plan.
Submissions on the draft plan and the final plan will be submitted to the Parks and Wilderness Council for advice before being submitted to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water for adoption in the second half of 2024.