You're invited to submit your views on the proposal to add land to the Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area.
What is being decided?
The Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area (WPA) is located on the north-west coast of Kangaroo Island, approximately 12 kilometres east of Cape Borda, and is 940 hectares in size. It was first proclaimed in 1993 to protect its pristine native vegetation, wild coastal scenery and outstanding biological integrity.
Wilderness Protection Areas receive the highest protection offered by conservation legislation in South Australia, under the Wilderness Protection Act 1992. They provide significant benefits to the environment andContinue reading
You're invited to submit your views on the proposal to add land to the Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area.
What is being decided?
The Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area (WPA) is located on the north-west coast of Kangaroo Island, approximately 12 kilometres east of Cape Borda, and is 940 hectares in size. It was first proclaimed in 1993 to protect its pristine native vegetation, wild coastal scenery and outstanding biological integrity.
Wilderness Protection Areas receive the highest protection offered by conservation legislation in South Australia, under the Wilderness Protection Act 1992. They provide significant benefits to the environment and the community: allowing for wilderness experiences, enabling species to flourish and evolve, creating valuable opportunities for scientific research, and preserving historically and culturally significant landscapes.
A rare opportunity has arisen to bolster the wilderness values of the Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area through the addition of 167.8 hectares adjacent to the south-eastern boundary of the existing park.
How can your input influence the decision?
The Parks and Wilderness Council’s Wilderness Assessment Report (PDF 5MB) describes this land, its biodiversity and wilderness values, and the extent to which it meets the wilderness criteria.
You can get involved by submitting your views on the proposal to add the subject land to the Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area.
Get involved
Have your say by:
Amy Allen
Policy Officer, Protected Areas
GPO Box 1047
To ensure your submission is effective:
- If you disagree with the proposal, clearly state the reasons why.
- It is also important to state if you support the proposal, and why.
- If you are commenting on the accuracy of information provided in the Wilderness Assessment Report, provide references for your information sources.
- Please note that your submission will become part of the public record and will be made available for public inspection unless you specifically request otherwise.
How will your input be used?
Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via return email or post. All public submissions on the proposal will be forwarded to the Parks and Wilderness Council for its consideration and advice.
Council’s advice, along with all public submissions received, will then be forwarded to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for consideration. The Minister will consider Council’s advice along with the public submissions before making a recommendation to the Governor. Notice of alteration to the boundaries of the Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area will be published in the Government Gazette.
If the Minister decides to defer, or not to proceed with the proposal, a public notice will be issued setting out the reasons for the decision.
Submissions close on 8 November 2017.
Want to know more?
Visit the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources website for more information about wilderness protection in South Australia.