Summary of changes

Summary of changes

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 29 May to 10 July 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.

Below is a basic summary of the changes to the Marine Park Management Plans, in addition to the extensions to the outer boundaries of the Upper Gulf St Vincent Marine Park and Encounter Marine Park.

You can read more about the changes in the draft management plan amendments, maps and the impact statements on the Marine Parks website.

Management Plan

Proposed Amendment

Nuyts Archipelago Marine Park

Increase the size of the Nuyts Reef Sanctuary Zone and reshape the St Francis Island Sanctuary Zone.

Neptune Islands Group (Ron and Valerie Taylor) Marine Park

Decrease the size of the North Neptune Island Sanctuary Zone.

Upper Gulf St Vincent Marine Park

Decrease the size of the Clinton Wetlands Sanctuary Zone and create the new Windara Reef Sanctuary Zones and Special Purpose Area around Windara Reef (offshore from Ardrossan).

Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park

Decrease the size of the Cape du Couedic Sanctuary Zone.

Upper South East Marine Park

Include a Special Purpose Area along the shoreline of the Coorong Beach South Sanctuary Zone to enable shore-based recreational line fishing.

Encounter Marine Park

Include the new Port Stanvac Sanctuary Zone and the Metro Reef Sanctuary Zone off Glenelg.

Consultation has concluded

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