Issues Guide & concepts

The Issues Guide

The Issues Guide has been created to help you think about the future of the Repat site and what you see as the best use of this important resources within our health system.

This guide seeks to:

  1. Outline the process of engagement and decision-making for the future of the Repat site.
  2. Provide information about the range of services and facilities outlined on the concept maps, to help your thinking about what might be best for the site.
  3. Provide some context about the demand and gaps in health service provision in the south that the Repat may help address.

The concepts

The first part of the consultation and engagement process was a workshop with key stakeholders. In these discussions, potential facilities, services and strategies for reactivating the Repat were identified. This discussion then informed a second stakeholder workshop where preliminary conceptual options were discussed incorporating these ideas.

SA Health has distilled these ideas and discussions into three concepts with themes based on a number of core health services.

The key elements identified in these workshops and structured into the concepts below are explained in the Issues Guide.

Concept 1: Specialist rehabilitation + Care transition + Day procedures

Concept 2: Care transition + Overnight procedures

Concept 3: Multi-day surgery + Care transition

Create your own concept for the Repat health precinct

We have developed a list of possible services and facilities and have designed three concepts as a starting point to prompt discussion and debate about what should be on the Repat site.

Now you can join the conversation. Tell us what you want to see at the Repat site.

  • What should the focus of the site be? What is important to you?
  • Which of the proposed elements are attractive to you? What is missing?
  • What is your vision for this important and central health precinct in the city’s inner south?

Use the list of services and facilities provided in the Issues Guide to help you to respond to the online poll.

Consultation has concluded

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