Regulations for electricity planning and forecast functions

Consultation has concluded, thank you for your contributions.

Have your say on the proposed amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 to introduce a new planning and forecasting function of the Technical Regulator.

What's being decided?

We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, which will support the introduction of a new planning and forecasting function in the state.

The proposed new state-based electricity planning and forecasting function for the Technical Regulator will inform the development of a South Australian Electricity Development Plan. The Plan will guide power system decision making for electricity supply to meet demand reliably and cost effectively, while also meeting South Australia's carbon emissions targets.

The State Government will use the feedback that it receives to finalise the proposed amendments.


In late 2022, a National Energy Crisis Committee of Cabinet (NECCC) and National Energy Crisis Taskforce (NECT) were established to investigate options to minimise forecast energy price increases in South Australia. Work that the NECCC has commissioned has highlighted that managing the transition of electricity supply towards net zero emissions by 2050, while maintaining the security, reliability and affordability of electricity, remains a challenge.

With higher emission electricity exiting the national electricity market, it will need to be replaced by the building of a new supply system based on renewables, storage and other lower emission sources such as gas-powered, diesel-powered and hydrogen-powered.

Currently, South Australia relies on the Australian Energy Market Operator’s planning and forecasting which is based on risks and costs for the entire national electricity market rather than South Australia specifically. While this has been sufficient in the past, local expertise is now required to support government decision making associated with the transition of electricity supply towards net zero.

The State Government is therefore proposing to introduce a state-based planning and forecasting function. The function will involve demand forecasting, power system design, costing and modelling, and market and reliability modelling and analysis to support power system decision making.

Get involved

Find out more by reading the:

Provide your feedback on the draft regulations by 5pm, Friday 5 January 2024 by:

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012. The updated regulations will be available on this page once they are finalised.

All submissions will be published on the Government of South Australia website including your name and organisation (if applicable), however your contact details will not be published.

**Please indicate clearly on the front of your submission if you would like it to be treated as confidential, in full or part, and the reason why it should not be made publicly available.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1991, the Government of South Australia may also be required by law to release your submission to a third party. If a request is made under the Act, you will be contacted prior to the release of any material.

Have your say on the proposed amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 to introduce a new planning and forecasting function of the Technical Regulator.

What's being decided?

We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012, which will support the introduction of a new planning and forecasting function in the state.

The proposed new state-based electricity planning and forecasting function for the Technical Regulator will inform the development of a South Australian Electricity Development Plan. The Plan will guide power system decision making for electricity supply to meet demand reliably and cost effectively, while also meeting South Australia's carbon emissions targets.

The State Government will use the feedback that it receives to finalise the proposed amendments.


In late 2022, a National Energy Crisis Committee of Cabinet (NECCC) and National Energy Crisis Taskforce (NECT) were established to investigate options to minimise forecast energy price increases in South Australia. Work that the NECCC has commissioned has highlighted that managing the transition of electricity supply towards net zero emissions by 2050, while maintaining the security, reliability and affordability of electricity, remains a challenge.

With higher emission electricity exiting the national electricity market, it will need to be replaced by the building of a new supply system based on renewables, storage and other lower emission sources such as gas-powered, diesel-powered and hydrogen-powered.

Currently, South Australia relies on the Australian Energy Market Operator’s planning and forecasting which is based on risks and costs for the entire national electricity market rather than South Australia specifically. While this has been sufficient in the past, local expertise is now required to support government decision making associated with the transition of electricity supply towards net zero.

The State Government is therefore proposing to introduce a state-based planning and forecasting function. The function will involve demand forecasting, power system design, costing and modelling, and market and reliability modelling and analysis to support power system decision making.

Get involved

Find out more by reading the:

Provide your feedback on the draft regulations by 5pm, Friday 5 January 2024 by:

What are the next steps?

We will consider your feedback to finalise the amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012. The updated regulations will be available on this page once they are finalised.

All submissions will be published on the Government of South Australia website including your name and organisation (if applicable), however your contact details will not be published.

**Please indicate clearly on the front of your submission if you would like it to be treated as confidential, in full or part, and the reason why it should not be made publicly available.

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1991, the Government of South Australia may also be required by law to release your submission to a third party. If a request is made under the Act, you will be contacted prior to the release of any material.

  • Please upload your submission on the proposed amendments to the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 using the link below.

    Consultation has concluded, thank you for your contributions.