Retirement Villages Act review

Consultation has concluded

Consultation process

As part of the consultation process, Office for the Ageing, SA Health is seeking feedback on the Retirement Villages Bill 2015.

You can refer to the Guide to the Retirement Villages Bill and Frequently Asked Questions document below that outline in detail the proposed changes to the Act.

Provide your feedback

You can provide your feedback by:

Consultation process

As part of the consultation process, Office for the Ageing, SA Health is seeking feedback on the Retirement Villages Bill 2015.

You can refer to the Guide to the Retirement Villages Bill and Frequently Asked Questions document below that outline in detail the proposed changes to the Act.

Provide your feedback

You can provide your feedback by:

If you prefer, complete the feedback form online via the online survey by 24 April 2015.


In April 2013 a Parliamentary Select Committee was established to review the Retirement Villages Act 1987.

The purpose of this review was to assess and evaluate the rights and responsibilities of residents and operators of registered retirement villages in South Australia.

On 20 May 2014, the Minister for Ageing tabled the Government’s response to the Select Committee’s recommendations, acknowledging the need for reforms to the Act based on a range of submissions made by peak bodies, operators and retirement village residents.

The recommendations included:

  • clarifying the rights and responsibilities of both operators and residents
  • enhancing information disclosure requirements
  • providing tighter definitions
  • implementing improved consumer protections.

The Retirement Villages Bill 2015 (link below) has been developed in response to these recommendations and is now open for consultation.

It is aimed that these changes will make it simpler for residents and operators of retirement villages to understand their rights and responsibilities as well as reflect contemporary practice and the needs of an ageing population.

Consultation has concluded
  • Outcome

    Consultation on the draft Retirement Villages Regulations 2017 has now closed. We thank everybody who provided feedback.

    If you have any questions about the draft Regulations or the Retirement Villages Act 2016 please contact the Office for the Ageing’s retirement villages unit on 8204 2420 or by email at


    The Retirement Villages Bill 2016 completed its passage through the Parliamentary process in November, and is now the Retirement Villages Act 2016 (the new Act). The new Act is the result of over three years’ significant consultation, and successfully balances increased consumer protection with the interests of operators across the diversity of retirement village operations. The Act is available at

    Regulations are the next important step in ensuring the Retirement Villages Act 2016 fulfils its intended objectives. The Office for the Ageing is seeking feedback on draft Regulations to support the new Act.

    Consultation will allow people to have a say on the finer details of the new Act and how it is to be implemented. Feedback will help inform the final Regulations which will be presented to Parliament. Feedback is particularly being sought on:

    • the format of a standard disclosure statement
    • rules for residents’ committees
    • changes to requirements for remarketing of retirement village residences
    • the introduction of a code of conduct in retirement villages.

    Everyone with an interest in retirement villages is urged to provide their considered response.

    To view the draft Regulations and provide your feedback, go to the ‘Get involved’ page.