Review of Housing Standards in SA

Consultation has concluded


The Housing Safety Authority is seeking input from the public on minimum housing standards in South Australia.

What is being decided?

The prescribed minimum standards within the Housing Improvement Regulations 2017 (the Housing Improvement Regulations) are being reviewed and we want to hear what you think should be included in modern minimum housing standards in South Australia.

While the National Construction Code (NCC) sets minimum standards for the design, performance and construction of buildings throughout Australia, properties may fall into disrepair or be modified post construction. On occasion the condition of, or modifications to, the property may pose a


The Housing Safety Authority is seeking input from the public on minimum housing standards in South Australia.

What is being decided?

The prescribed minimum standards within the Housing Improvement Regulations 2017 (the Housing Improvement Regulations) are being reviewed and we want to hear what you think should be included in modern minimum housing standards in South Australia.

While the National Construction Code (NCC) sets minimum standards for the design, performance and construction of buildings throughout Australia, properties may fall into disrepair or be modified post construction. On occasion the condition of, or modifications to, the property may pose a health and safety risk to the owners, occupiers and visitors. The Housing Improvement Regulations set a minimum standard for all existing South Australian residential properties after they have been constructed.

The Housing Safety Authority (the Authority) administer the Housing Improvement Act (2016) and the Housing Improvement Regulations on behalf of the Minister for Social Housing. The key objectives of the Act, and role of the Authority, are to:

  • Protect the community from unsafe living conditions;
  • Address housing that is unsafe or unsuitable for human habitation; and
  • Control the rent of unsafe or unsuitable housing.

The Authority assesses homes against the minimum standards prescribed in the Housing Improvement Regulations, with a focus on issues that pose, or may pose, a health and safety risk to the owners, occupiers, visitors and the wider community.

The Housing Improvement Regulations set minimum standards for a range of issues including construction, amenities, sanitation and fire safety. The prescribed minimum standards were last reviewed in 2007, and may not necessarily reflect the community’s thinking about health and safety risks today.

The Housing Safety Authority (the Authority) has published an Issues Paper (PDF 690KB) outlining property conditions that have been identified as either:

(a) Current prescribed minimum standards that require more clarity; or

(b) Minimum standards that are currently not regulated.

It is strongly recommended that the Issues Paper (PDF 690KB) is read in conjunction with the current Housing Improvement Regulations.

The review of the Regulations will include only a review of the minimum housing standards, prescribed in Part 3 of the Regulations.

The review will not include:

  • Any review on the Act;
  • Any review of Parts 1 or 2, or Schedule 1 or 2 of the Regulations;
  • Any tenancy related matters;
  • Discussion around specific regulation of Rooming Houses.

How can your input influence the decision?

Over recent years the Housing Safety Authority (formerly Housing Improvement Branch) has undertaken considerable stakeholder consultation during the development of the current regulatory framework. To continue this work, the release of the Issues Paper for public consultation is considered essential and in accordance with requests received during previous consultation.

Community input will ensure the Housing Improvement Regulations reflect contemporaneous minimum housing standards in South Australia and ensure all South Australians can live in safe and healthy housing. Inspections by the Housing Safety Authority under Housing Improvement Act 1940 are done in accordance with the Housing Improvement Regulations. This may result in the Housing Safety Authority issuing orders and notices that require that property owners must address certain risks in the property based on the Housing Improvement Regulations. Therefore it is important the minimum standards in these Regulations reflect community views.

This consultation will further enhance the Housing Safety Authority working closely with key industry stakeholders, government stakeholders, and the public to continue to develop an effective, risk based regulatory framework which reflects the needs of South Australians and has a wide acceptance across Government agencies, industry and the community upon implementation.

Get involved

Your input will be considered and may influence the new prescribed minimum housing standards in South Australia. You can have your say by:

Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via return email or post, and form part of the development of any amendments to the Housing Improvement Regulations.


On 3 April 2017, the new Housing Improvement Act 2016 (the Act) commenced, repealing the former 1940 Act. Consultation on the review of the new Act highlighted a need to review the Housing Improvement Regulations 2017 and the minimum housing standards in South Australia.

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