Why are you conducting a further consultation on the Act?

    This consultation is in response to a request from the Minister for Health and Wellbeing to consider what further changes could be made that might prevent critical incidents and improve mental health care.

    What is being consulted on?

    The Discussion Paper incorporates new proposed principles of the Act, including proposals to facilitate emergency mental health responses, further proposals that might improve personal and community safety, and an additional proposal regarding the establishment of a Human Rights Committee in mental health.

    What will happen when the consultation period is closed?

    We will use your feedback to inform the development of a draft Bill to make amendments to the Mental Health Act 2009.

    What has happened since the last consultation period?

    Drafting work on a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act is now occurring based on this review. While this is happening, the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist is conducting a supplementary consultation on what further changes could be made to the Mental Health Act that might prevent critical incidents and improve emergency mental health care.