How did the proposed concepts come about?

    Earlier in the year Botanic Garden and State Herbarium staff and associates participated in several workshops to identify challenges and opportunities at the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden. Working with local landscape architect firm TCL, and using visitor survey information, the group explored possible options for addressing the three key themes identified as being challenges and opportunities for the botanic garden:
    1. Develop a new visitor and education centre at a prime location in the botanic garden.
    2. Improve operational and visitor facilities across the botanic garden.
    3. Improve car parking.
    Multiple ideas were considered for each of the three themes and a combined proposed concept for the whole site was formed. This new proposed arrangement of services and buildings at the botanic garden site captures the options which were considered to best deliver the enhancements for the botanic garden and the local precinct in the future, once investment is secured. 

    Can I provide feedback online?

    Comments can be provided using the YourSAy online survey and online discussion before 14 February 2020. You can also come along to the Garden Open Days. .

    Where can I read a summary of the proposed concepts for the draft masterplan?

    There is a community engagement flyer, which lists the proposed concepts, available to download from the website of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium

    Will the final masterplan be available as a public document?

    Yes, the endorsed revised masterplan will be available as an electronic publication, downloadable from the Botanic Gardens website

    Why revise the current masterplan?

    The review of the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Masterplan aims to improve future visitor safety, amenity and experiences, whilst facilitating a site of horticultural excellence for growing, displaying and conserving plants. The masterplan focuses on infrastructure and visitor movement, and it does not determine living collections management or commercial opportunities of the botanic garden. 

    Have people from the neighbouring properties been consulted?

    Yes, the botanic gardens is consulting with our neighbours on this masterplan, as we do on all key aspects of our current or planned operations which may impact them.

    Will any of the plants and trees be removed to enable aspects of this masterplan?

    Maintaining the curated living collections and local native flora are important for the botanic gardens, so any building work will be designed to be sympathetic to landscapes and minimise any unnecessary tree removal.

    Will there be an entrance fee for Mount Lofty Botanic Garden introduced as a result of the revised masterplan?

    No. The three botanic gardens under the board’s governance - Adelaide, Mount Lofty and Wittunga
    Botanic Gardens - are all free to enter.

    Will opening hours be extended as a result of the revised masterplan?

     The board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium regularly review opening hours.

    Will staff numbers increase?

     Resourcing will be reviewed if implementation of the masterplan occurs in future.

    Will there be improved toilet facilities?

    Yes, subject to future funding. The proposed concept proposes new toilets be installed.

    Will there be better paths and more areas to sit and eat at?

    Yes, subject to future funding. Paths will be repaired or replaced as needed and new table and chairs will be installed.

    Will access for people with mobility needs and disabilities be increased?

    Yes, subject to future funding, new universal access paths and assisting increased access has been proposed in the draft masterplan where terrain reasonably permits.

    Will signage be improved?

    Yes, subject to future funding, both wayfinding and interpretation signage is proposed to be improved.

    Where will this building be located?

    It is proposed to be located near the existing viewing platform and arboretum, close to the lower car park entrance.

    Will people with different mobility needs be able to access this centre?


    Will visitors be able to purchase food and beverages at this centre?


    Where will this proposed parking area be located?

    Additional parking has been proposed at three new sites, accessed from the current lower entrance of the botanic garden site and an increased parking space accessed from the current upper entrance.

    How long will the walk from the new car park to the proposed Visitor Centre be?

    It is proposed that there will be car parks adjoining the centre and up to 10 minutes walk away at peak times.

    Will parking fees increase?

    The board of the Botanic Gardens reviews all fees and charges annually.

    Will there be more public transport to the Botanic Garden?

    Staff are working with other state and local government agencies to raise the need for better public transport services to both the botanic gardens and the Mount Lofty visitor precinct generally.

    Where will this building be located?

    The proposed facility for horticultural nursery, conservation operations and administration will be located on the undeveloped land opposite Lambert and Sprigg Road intersection.

    Will this building detract from the views or visual appeal of the garden?

    No. The proposed location and form will be sympathetically designed to minimise the visual impact of the building, to neighbours and botanic garden visitors, including being set back from the road and surrounded by cultivated hedges.

    What will happen to the existing horticultural nursery and the administration buildings?

    These buildings are no longer fit for purpose and will be removed. The current nursery which supplies all three botanic gardens, conservation and teaching programmes with plants will be relocated and the existing site will be turned into additional public car parking. The current staff car parking will become visitor car parking and the administration building site will be used for further plant collections or a picnic area.