Act Review Summary
The table below shows the key components of the review we are undertaking.
Each component has some important sub-components which are described in detail in the Discussion Paper.
Have a read through the Discussion Paper and the questions and get involved!
Retirement Villages Act key component | Sub-components within each topic |
1. Before moving into a village |
Deposits |
Disclosure statement | |
Information to be provided before a person can sign a residence contract | |
Disclosure period before signing a contract | |
Cooling-off period | |
Repayment of an in-going contribution if a resident cools-off | |
Premises condition report | |
Purchasing residences off the plan | |
Settling-in period | |
2. Matters relating to living in a village |
Financial matters:
Process for an increase in recurrent charges:
Consultation with a residents’ committee | |
Other financial requirements – surplus and deficit policy | |
Proceedings at meetings of residents:
Consultation with residents:
Lease of land in a retirement village | |
Rental tenants in retirement villages | |
Health and safety:
3. Leaving a village |
Termination of a resident’s right to reside in a retirement village |
Notice to vacate but remain in occupation | |
Remarketing of a residence:
Refurbishment or reinstatement of a residence:
Leaving a retirement village to enter aged care | |
Payment of recurrent charges for six months after vacating a village | |
Payment of exit entitlement:
Exit fees | |
4. Miscellaneous/other issues |
Endorsement of certificates of title |
Villages with multiple sites |
Definitions in the Act | |
The requirement for an ingoing contribution | |
Abandoned goods | |
Exemptions | |
Terminating a retirement village scheme | |
Enforcement of legislation | |
Home care services in retirement villages |
Consultation has concluded