Retirement villages fast facts
Find below some interesting facts about retirement villages:
- There are currently 534 registered retirement villages in SA, which, based on estimated rates of single versus couples occupancy, means there are approximately 26,400 people living in retirement villages.
- Within Adelaide and Greater Adelaide Local Government Areas there are 445 villages with 16,407 residences.
- In Rural and Regional Local Government Areas there are 89 villages and 2,488 residences.
- Within these villages there are 17,665 independent living units and 1230 serviced apartments, a total of 18,895 residences.
- Commercial operators own 127 villages (10,345 residences) while non-profit organisations (including local government organisations) own 407 villages, which account for 8,550 residences.
- Retirement villages can be governed under multiple Acts.
- There are currently 12 villages in SA that provide additional services within their serviced apartments and must comply with both the Retirement Villages Act 2016 and the Supported Residential Facilities Act 1992.
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