Retirement villages fast facts

Find below some interesting facts about retirement villages:

  • There are currently 534 registered retirement villages in SA, which, based on estimated rates of single versus couples occupancy, means there are approximately 26,400 people living in retirement villages.
  • Within Adelaide and Greater Adelaide Local Government Areas there are 445 villages with 16,407 residences.
  • In Rural and Regional Local Government Areas there are 89 villages and 2,488 residences.
  • Within these villages there are 17,665 independent living units and 1230 serviced apartments, a total of 18,895 residences.
  • Commercial operators own 127 villages (10,345 residences) while non-profit organisations (including local government organisations) own 407 villages, which account for 8,550 residences.
  • Retirement villages can be governed under multiple Acts.

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