Consultation outcome

After extensive consultation with diverse stakeholder groups, including First Nations groups, the Conservation Council, National Parks and Wildlife Service, and livestock producer groups, the wild dog management policy was adopted following its publication in the South Australian Government Gazette on 26 August 2021.
Many changes to the policy were made following public consultation. These include:
- acknowledging the cultural values of dingoes to First Nations people,
- promoting data collection of livestock losses and damage from wild dogs,
- limiting baiting in the buffer zone to man-made and active water points,
- promoting the ability for organically certified properties to bait, and
- ensuring livestock producers and the public are protected from wild dog impacts.
The Declared animal policy: Wild dogs and dingoes ( resulted from the consultation.
The Landscape SA Act 2019 was also updated to incorporate the approved policy Wild dog baiting requirements: online tool - PIRSA
Consultation has concluded