What are the changes?
Now Closed
This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 10 February to 17 April 2020. Below is a record of the engagement.
The current declarations for wild dogs (termed dingoes and hybrids in current policy) inside the Dog Fence require landholders to destroy all wild dogs on their land.
It is also illegal to keep, sell, or move a dingo without a permit. Permits are issued where certain requirements are met, including having secure enclosures and education programs.
The following changes are being proposed under the revised policy:
- To require land holders to follow minimum baiting standards inside the Dog Fence. These standards align with the Directions for Use of 1080 wild dog baits in SA. The proposed baiting standards differ between five regional areas, which are detailed in the revised policy. The standards aim to set clear expectations, and improve responsiveness of landholders and coordination of wild dog control programs across neighbouring properties.
- To declare wild dogs for control in a buffer zone of 35 kilometres outside the Dog Fence, including the fence bordering the NSW, to reduce the risk of wild dog incursions. The revised policy also proposes a baiting standard for the buffer zone.
- To allow aerial baiting of wild dogs in all NRM regions. This change would permit aerial baiting by NRM boards and landholders.
There are no proposed changes for the keeping of dingoes.
There are also no proposed changes to the declarations for the management of wild dogs outside the buffer zone, where they remain classified as unprotected wildlife under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972.
Consultation has concluded