This consultation has closed. Thank you for your interest.
The Water Allocation Plan is a legal document that:
sets out rules for determining water entitlements, water allocations, water trading, and approvals for the taking and use of a prescribed water resource to ensure its sustainability
provides greater security for water users and takes into account the needs of the environment
includes an assessment of the capacity of the resource to meet current and future demands
includes an assessment of the needs of water dependent ecosystems
includes principles in relation to water affecting activities
This consultation has closed. Thank you for your interest.
The Water Allocation Plan is a legal document that:
sets out rules for determining water entitlements, water allocations, water trading, and approvals for the taking and use of a prescribed water resource to ensure its sustainability
provides greater security for water users and takes into account the needs of the environment
includes an assessment of the capacity of the resource to meet current and future demands
includes an assessment of the needs of water dependent ecosystems
includes principles in relation to water affecting activities
includes monitoring requirements for licence holders and the water resource.
This is your opportunity to comment on the draft plan as we are seeking your feedback on this update. This draft includes policies and lessons learnt from drought that happened after the plans adoption.
There are a series of four factsheets below to provide you with more background and context. Please read these to give an informed opinion.