River Murray Water Allocation Plan 2018

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 16 July 2018 - 14 September 2018.

Have your say on the River Murray water allocation plan and how the River Murray is managed in South Australia.

What is being decided?

We are updating the Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray Prescribed Watercourse to make sure it complies with the Basin Plan requirements and to further improve existing policies. We would like to know whether you are supportive of the proposed changes.

The South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management

Consultation Process

UPDATE: Below is a record of what appeared on YourSAy during the open consultation process from 16 July 2018 - 14 September 2018.

Have your say on the River Murray water allocation plan and how the River Murray is managed in South Australia.

What is being decided?

We are updating the Water Allocation Plan for the River Murray Prescribed Watercourse to make sure it complies with the Basin Plan requirements and to further improve existing policies. We would like to know whether you are supportive of the proposed changes.

The South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board worked closely with the River Murray Advisory Committee (RMAC), a community-based committee that assists with water policy development, to identify and draft the proposed key changes to the plan.

The board also engaged with local water users and community members likely to be impacted by policy changes, as well as with the Aboriginal Nations with a connection to the River Murray, to prepare information around Aboriginal water interests.

How can your input influence the decision?

Your input is important and will help inform the final water allocation plan. 

Get involved

Your input is important and will help inform the final water allocation plan. 

Feedback can be provided by:

  • taking part in the online survey
  • emailing your comments to rmwap.feedback@sa.gov.au
  • posting your comments to:
    Peta Brettig -Senior Project Officer
    River Murray Water Allocation Plan
    GPO Box 1047, ADELAIDE SA 5001
  • attending one of our drop-in sessions which will be held along the River Murray.

Please note that all submissions will be made publicly available unless requested otherwise.

How will your input be used?

Your input will help the board understand which policies are supported, and which policies require further amendment. A consultation report will be developed in late 2018 to summarise the consultation process and the changes made to the water allocation plan as a result.

The board will write to everyone that provides feedback to let you know the outcome of the consultation and how your feedback was used.

A final copy of the water allocation plan will be made available at https://www.landscape.sa.gov.au/mr/water/water-allocation-plans/river-murray-wap, once it has been approved.

Closing date: 5pm Friday 14 September 2018


The River Murray water allocation plan sets out the rules for taking and using water from the river, to make sure it is managed sustainably. It has been in place since 2002 and has been updated over time to make sure it works effectively and manages issues facing the river. The last update in 2017, included lessons from the drought and improvements to existing policies to make sure they are fit for purpose.

The 2017 water allocation plan is now being updated to make sure it fully complies with the Basin Plan and to further improve some of the existing policies. It will form a part of the South Australian River Murray Water Resource Plan, which is being developed by the South Australian Government to demonstrate compliance with the Basin Plan.

To find out more about the water resource plan visit www.environment.sa.gov.au/wrp.

Consultation has concluded