Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment Guestbook

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct by leaving a comment below.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

The park lands need to be protected and not rezoned for development

James over 3 years ago

Living on the 17th floor of a building on the South Bank of The Torrens, overlooking Pinky’s Flat, I look out on an important and valuable green space. The quiet stretch attracts many species of birdlife, including the pelicans which soar upwards overhead, circling upon the eddies of the Convention Centre rooves.
As a city dweller, I enjoy a daily circular walk from Zoo to Weir - the North Bank is a fresh, welcome break from the southern City side.
The pop up food trucks which accompany the annual Fringe entertainment, held in that section of The Torrens, seem to be ample vendors of refreshments.

One concerned and possibly affected City Dweller.

Mare Bear over 3 years ago

I am distressed that the beautiful open space around the Riverbank is under threat. It is an unique feature of the city which belongs to ALL the people where everyone has free access regardless of their financial situation, culture, religion, status in life etc. To place buildings of a commercial interest there would be to desecrate what the founders of Adelaide reserved for all the people, and which has been treasured by successive generations. Once you alienate it from the people, they will never get it back. The Adelaide City Council and the SA Government have the responsibility to protect and care fore OUR heritage. It is not their space to use for the advantage of vested interests. There are other places here they can have their cafes and bars etc.

Joseph43 over 3 years ago

Think Christmas markets of Europe. Pinkies Flat would be perfect for an outdoor community gathering spot with some small cafes, bars, art and music. There just needs to be some effort in making it work for the natural environment and not against it.

Dan Mcbride Hellewell over 3 years ago

Green space is NOT DEAD SPACE. It is green space which has been proved many many times over to provide relaxation and regeneration to human beings. To date we have lost a great deal of our green space to concrete. The more trees and green space the cooler will be our environment
Concrete, paving, roadways, increase the ambient temperatures. Green spaces and trees reduce the ambient temperature

Christobel over 3 years ago

Green space is NOT DEAD SPACE. It is green space which has been proved many many times over to provide relaxation and regeneration to human beings. To date we have lost a great deal of our green space to concrete. The more trees and green space the cooler will be our environment
Concrete, paving, roadways, increase the ambient temperatures. Green spaces and trees reduce the ambient temperature

Christobel over 3 years ago

Could you consider activating one side of the Torrens (the city side) while leaving the other side (oval side) as parklands? We don't need more cafes and shops, we do need more space to stroll and cycle and picnic under the trees. Once redevelopment starts there is no going back and it would be a shame to loose this green corridor through our city, connecting East to West.

Amy Underdown over 3 years ago

Halleluiah- Finally an elected committee that is supposed to represent the Community is being made to listen to the people. I have tried 3 times to submit a proposal for a 5 Star, 2 Storey, Floating Restaurant, Cafe, Beer Garden on the Torrens only to be dismissed as not worthy of a reply. Up to 85 pax long term employment, some $1.5m proposed investment to not even get to Council for a hearing. Adelaide get moving and give the people what they want. There is plenty of Green Spaces and our proposal would not require one blade of grass to be removed. Signed "Frustrated""

Torrens Restaurant over 3 years ago

I would love to see a number of bars, cafes and restaurants in the riverbank area utilizing our great climate and making the most of an otherwise dead space. Development does need to be sympathetic to the surroundings and limited in size in this area to keep the open nature of the area however.

beamer85 over 3 years ago

I’m a homeowner in the city and fully support the proposal to enhance the riverbank precinct with more dining/entertainment options. I often walk along the banks of the Torrens and think what a shame it’s such a ghost town when it could be a drawcard enticing more suburb dwellers to come and enjoy what the city has to offer. It will encourage them to engage with other city attractions, including the zoo, botanic gardens, art gallery etc. It will assist to grow Adelaide’s reputation as Australia’s most liveable city…one where you can actually have a drink, enjoy a meal riverside or go for an evening stroll….not one that you avoid after dark for fear of being mugged because there’s no one else around.

City Dweller over 3 years ago

Please please do not allow any more building on our parklands. Understand that parklands are PARK LANDS. So much of our parklands are already under concrete or leased out to other entities. Please do not build any more building on the parkkands
We dont have to be like Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth
There is no reason or excuse to build on the parklands. The parklands is not open land to be built upon by commercial operations. Don't rezone the parklands. Don't build on them. Leave open spaces as open spaces and treasure them as open spaces.

Christobel over 3 years ago

It seems to me that "they" are intent on emulating Melbourne's Southbank,where there is barely a green space to be seen. We can't and shouldn't emulate Melbourne. We should be the best that we can be as Adelaide. Our residents, workers and tourists all value the green uniqueness that is Adelaide. Some appropriate development, sure, but not what sounds like open slather for commercial interests. I used to work in the CBD and there was nothing better or more relaxing than being able to walk or jog through the green spaces along the river. Adelaide should be proud to be itself.

Nifty over 3 years ago

Definitely OPPOSE redevelopment of the Riverbank Precinct! Hasn't enough natural habitat for our birdlife and wildlife been destroyed by humans?! For Pete's sake! I'm losing all faith in humanity because there are so many who don't give a damn about other species that live on this planet, albeit constantly threatened by human stupidity. What will happen to the lovely bird life that live in that area??!! At a time that we should be PRESERVING green space to prevent further impact of climate change, our wonderful state government and developers decide they want to destroy even more green space? When will it end? How many more species will die on this planet before humans WAKE UP and realise that WE are not "entitled" to leave a path of destruction everywhere we go! Voting time won't come around fast enough because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

K over 3 years ago

Definitely OPPOSE rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct! Hasn't enough natural habitat for our birdlife and wildlife been destroyed by humans?! For Pete's sake! I'm losing all faith in humanity because there are so many who don't give a damn about other species that live on this planet, albeit constantly threatened by human stupidity. What will happen to the lovely bird life that live in that area??!! At a time that we should be PRESERVING green space to prevent further impact of climate change, our wonderful state government and developers decide they want to destroy even more green space? When will it end? How many more species will die on this planet before humans WAKE UP and realise that WE are not "entitled" to leave a path of destruction everywhere we go! Voting time won't come around fast enough because ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

K over 3 years ago

The continuous encroachment on the parklands is unacceptable. I have lived in many places around the world. The greatest asset of Adelaide is the parklands. These short term proposals are short sighted and obviously commercially driven. They do not enhance the city but erode its unique elements.

Kate over 3 years ago

I have lived in a number of places around the world. The great asset that Adelaide has is the parklands. To eat away at this with short term development plans is very short sighted. Consider great cities around the world. These continuous encroachments every year with proposals need to stop. The hotel should never have been built next to the Oval. The pontoon on the river was a hideous eyesore.

Kate over 3 years ago

This is entirely inappropriate. Apart from infringing onto the parklands, there is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR ANOTHER ENTERTAINMENT VENUE IN CBD. Additionally, those millions of dollars would be far better spent on increasing beds in hospitals, having more health care staff, ( currently they are "burnt out" from being overloaded with work, more paramedics and ambulances which is DANGEROUS as well being exceptionally BAD MANAGEMENT). We need more "Florence Nightingale" and mental health help for the overworked, as well as the general population. PRIORITIES!!!! Spend the money WISELY!!!

Dianne Paech over 3 years ago

This is absolutely not appropriate. It is an underhanded way of obtaining parklands and building on them. The community do not want this. Our parklands are our heritage and should be preserved as a legacy - not provided to every Government of the day to take advantage of 'cheap' land for building on. Heartbreaking that this would even be considered.

Rachel181 over 3 years ago

I cant find clear indication about what will happen to the rowing boatsheds. Having been a parent of two children at Unley High School who have rowed on the Torrens, the ability for public school students to be able to easily and cheaply access training facilities for rowing has been one of the best experiences for both my children. I believe the rowing facilities are to be relocated - how will schools like Unley High and Norwood Morialta be able to have the same quality of facility they have now? The early high school years are essential to get commitment to rowing and the Torrens is an ideal training ground. I believe there is no greater experience that my children could have had but to learn to work interdependently in teams, work male and female equivalent, and to learn across high school age groups than rowing provides, particularly at a State funded school, where parents, teachers and students alike all have to significantly pitch in to make the club work. The fact that access to the Torrens is a simple bus ride into the city makes it very accessible. How will this highly valuable experience be retained for public school students to at least the access and facilities that they currently have?

Karen Lablack over 3 years ago

A sad state of affairs that the Parklands have survived over a hundred and seventy five years and won't make it to the Bi Centenary in 2036. Land speculation is what destroyed Adelaide being a free colony in the beginning. But one would never have thought the government would adopt such a pretentious roll! It is always easy to build on virgin land than to re purpose that which is within the boundaries of the city square mile, for which Adelaide is internationally known for. How does an installation at the west end of the Nt Terrace Parkland area benefit to the city, in reality it doesn't support the city, coffee shops of choice, restaurants, hotels for accommodation, retailers etc! In a recent visit to the city, I was astounded to the the decay of the city, the lack of vibrancy, the total lack of regeneration. Then one has to wonder about the fact private hospitals can successfully function within the city but public health can't???? The city proper requires people. And truthfully, why rezone something that does not need rezoning when the correct zones already exist within the city proper! Two other points also exist that need clarifying, the closeness to the flight line to Adelaide Airport? And when does the government actually commit to the heritage of the city and set in concrete protections for future generations?

Kym Clarke over 3 years ago