Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment Guestbook

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct by leaving a comment below.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

The City of Adelaide is the world's only city within a park. The Park Lands are why Adelaide is one of the world's most liveable cities and the large green belt around the city is critical to help Adelaide be climate ready at to mitigate urban heat in the face of rising temperatures and less rainfall overall. The State Government managed areas of the Park Lands are becoming increasingly built up and inaccessible with no links in and out of the green areas of park. No more development in the Park Lands, no more land grab (the proposal to build a commercial multi-storey car park on 'free' park lands instead of using or even buying land on non-parklands is morally indefensible) , use existing land (preferably non-parklands) or existing building footprints!

Maria Lease almost 3 years ago

My vote next election will be to those who will commit preserving the parklands and not be directed by developers. To our politicians I say, govern for the people please.

graval almost 3 years ago

Have we learnt nothing about the importance of the Park Lands through Covid? Having unfettered access to nature is critical now more than ever. This is our public land. It is sacred to Kaurna. We craved nature during lockdowns. Why on earth would we commercialize more of the Park Lands? I am gob smacked by this proposed amendment. How can we have a Green Adelaide Landscape Board announced with much fanfare and a proposal for Adelaide to be a National Park City (both I support) when proposals such as this fly in the face of common sense. The Government is wanting to take 70 hectares of river-front Adelaide Park Lands for development. Are we not better than this? We know how critical areas like the Park Lands are to our community welfare. Scrap this proposed amendment and involve all aspects of community in a sincere discussion about The Park Lands.

Jill Woodlands almost 3 years ago

I thoroughly distrust the current Venue Management Corporation. It needs to be revamped and opened up to scrutiny.

Filmart.DD almost 3 years ago

Can the apparently now feeble Park Lands Authority be re-constituted as trustee over this whole Riverbank notion, to report annually to Parliament and City Council. The proposal does not say who will be in charge or accountable.

Filmart.DD almost 3 years ago

Given the violence inflicted on the Parklands long ago by the railway excision, and more recently by improper buildings like Intercon-tinental Hotel and the Walker hotel, I agree that an overall re-conceiving is necessary. That dusty parking area west of Morphett st bridge is a disgrace now. Slack legacies like the old gaol and the police barracks need to be re-worked for broader benefit. The railway was, in its day, but now is a dated survivor needing total modernising/greening. Why does the Gaol etc zone extend over rail line: insert a specific green zone between and green up the railway land too.
Broader value is the key word. Those new hotels are not for broad benefit and do damage to businesses in the CBD proper. Now in this scheme, everything Riverbank must have a mandate to be actively inclusive. Those private rowing sheds are a 19C left-over and apparently elitist (like many sports leases all over parklands): what do they contribute to the city or the broader public? Every lessee in this scheme should have a mandate to think broadly and to report annually on achievements to open further to the broad public.
War Memorial Drive (?memorial how?) needs to be reworked from traffic to leisure use.
Rather than a giant parking station in the new health precinct, please think of active transit around the whole area. Arena? Stadium? Such vanity projects in masonry belong on the brewery site or other non-park areas.
This whole proposal seems to contain little (except near Zoo) that will restore previous excisions or improper or outdated legacy uses of which there are plenty to work on. Please show where there is some trading back to passive leisure or simple nature.

Filmart.DD almost 3 years ago

Yet another example of a miserable public policy failure attempting to be prosecuted by this appalling Government. When will the Government start governing for the people instead of commercial interests.

Hands off the Parklands. They are for all South Australians’ consumption, not just your mates!

It’s just like the Government’s approach to COVID – no problem selling out on South Australians’ health, economic welfare and quality of life for the commercial interests of Big Pharma.

Government has failed to provide prophylactic and early treatment of COVID, especially for vulnerable groups (Ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, melatonin, nasal and mouth washes).

Government has failed to defend the use of Ivermectin for COVID, knowing that it is a potent antiviral, being successfully used in many countries, and having been demonstrated to be effective in trials (see bird-group.org or the FLCCC if you've had your head in the sand).

Government has failed to call out the lack of efficacy of vaccines in neutralising COVID, thereby failing vulnerable groups and enabling the start of medical and economic apartheid in Australia.

Government has failed to call out the strong safety signal in relation to the COVID vaccines, leading to the needless, disastrous immediate side effects being experienced by people (death, paralysis, stroke, heart attack, ....). The magnitude and scope of the long-term effects are yet to be realised but the warning signs and conceptual possibilities are already being reported. It is extraordinary that children are being vaccinated.

Leave the parklands as was intended, for future generations to enjoy in their natural state.

Belinda S almost 3 years ago

I live in Thebarton and do not want the parklands given over to car parks. The RAH has already increased congestion in our neighbourhood!

Narelle Walker13 almost 3 years ago

I object most strongly to the proposed Code Amendment of the parklands and demand its immediate withdrawal. The parklands were surveyed by Colonel Light and given to the people of Adelaide. As such, they are not for any government to do what it will. This is shameless theft by the government for financial gain. Ayers House has already been lost. Enough! These assets belong to the people. Stop the theft!

Etiennette Fennell almost 3 years ago

Remember this at the next state election!!

Concerned2 almost 3 years ago

I’m not opposed to a new WCH at the proposed site, but to go beyond that is wholly unacceptable. The concept of a riverbank precinct in the style of Melbourne can only be realised by alienating part of the parklands and that is idiotic. To proceed almost guarantees that the Liberal government will be a one term government.

Aldinga Mick almost 3 years ago

Far too extensive to understand. Public lands must remain public ownership.

Bish almost 3 years ago

Far too complex and extensive. Needs to be considered in smaller segments.

Bish almost 3 years ago

This is public land. It is sacred to the Kaurna people (who have hardly been considered in consultation). Our parklands are too precious to be turned into commercialised zones. You are employed to serve the public; as a member of the public, I demand you trash this so-called amendment.

Matthew Wright Simon 13 almost 3 years ago

Another absolutely appalling attempt to use valuable PUBLIC land for private interests. Stop it. Colonel Light would be turning in his grave. And the poll question is ludicrously phrased.

ConcernedCitizen almost 3 years ago

It's all been said before (and too often ignored) - HANDS OFF our Parklands! We aren't - and don't want to be - a tacky version of Melbourne.

Richard Phillips almost 3 years ago

All future developments of a commercial nature or which involve commercial activities, within the ACC, should be built on commercial land. Simple.

Nix almost 3 years ago

The building proposal is unacceptable, the land belongs to whole community and natural breathing lungs land!

55bythesea almost 3 years ago

My register code is 7263

55bythesea almost 3 years ago


55bythesea almost 3 years ago