Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment Guestbook

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct by leaving a comment below.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

I am so disappointed in the proposed amendment which if it goes ahead, opens the way for solid buildings taking precious open green spaces that have deep value and significance to so many people past, present and future from all walks of life and all socioeconomic levels of society which is the beauty of the Riverbank Precinct as it is now.

Parklands Fan almost 3 years ago

I shared the common view with most citizens of Adelaide that the parklands would be always there for us to use. This will be the end of the Marshall government at the next election. I am almost speechless at the idea that they can do this. This comments page is nothing but a distraction for the people as we are tricked into believing we have some say.
continue to delude ourselves

Des Spencer almost 3 years ago

I do not think this development plan is at all in the public interest. No doubt it is a ploy to get public land into private hands. The only people benefiting then will be the minority of rich business owners, rather than the people of Adelaide. Currently the old trees on the land provide green space and are important in the current changing climate. These trees will be removed and the government cannot keep up the planting efforts.

A almost 3 years ago

My understanding is that the parklands were designed for the general population and not as investment opportunities for the elite few. Allowing the parklands to be further "developed" is taking away the common wealth of SA citizens and in my view, this is simply obscene theft. Futhermore, I endorse all the comments below that share the opinion that privatisation is mismanagement.

Chris Ryan almost 3 years ago

This proposal should not go ahead. It is a blatant disregard to the First Nations people whose lands we should all respect and nurture. A sly way of attempting to gut our parklands for $$$. Keep privatisation and "development" (really just absolute backwards thinking considering the advice we're all given about spending time in nature) OUT of the green spaces that we know and love, these places that make this city a beautiful place to live.

Rana almost 3 years ago

No, this absolutely should not go ahead. The parklands are one of Adelaide's greatest public amenities and should on no account be built upon. The parklands are constantly be diminished by the encroachment of buildings. This is totally unacceptable. No building developments on our parklands!!

TAH almost 3 years ago

The proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct is an outrageous assault on the Natural Heritage and the LUNGS of Adelaide. It is massive land grab and proposes an unaccectable threat to the Citys parklands.

It will alow projects to proceed with no input from the owners of the Parklands VIZ the People of South Australia

To use the words of a member of a Member of Parliament recently on another matter It can and will be seen as a "Dog Act" by many SA Voters.

As demonstrated during the current Coronavirus Epedemic we need more open spaces NOT High Rise Appartments with large numbers of people confined to sharing the same entrances lifts and corridors breeding grounds for the spead of this disease.

In relation to the proposed spending of in excess of Seven Hundred Milllion Dollars for a proposed Basket Ball Stadium this amount of money would be better spent on improving our Hospitals to enable them to better cope with the demands that they are already experiencing and will inevitiably increase as the population inccreases.

GGAJ almost 3 years ago

Absolutely disgraceful what is being proposed, and the destruction of this beautiful city's green spaces. The river and its surrounds has so much history to the Kuarna people and to the first immigrant community to settle here. Disrepectful to even consider developing on this space.
The history of the Old Gaol is set to be destroyed by these proposals. Green spaces with beautiful areas for families to enjoy will be lost forever with this development. This proposal is set to benefit the wallets of the developers, and will be at the crippling disadvantage to a once beautiful and historic city space, and to the people of South Australia.
There are other options. The encroachment and destruction of the things that make Adelaide beautiful and unique must be stopped!

ElleM almost 3 years ago

I reject all of that which is being proposed.
We have been fortunate that our city was designed by Col Light to be inside a Park Land. This came about because social reformers in the early 1800’s recognised the increasing poor health of those coming into the cities such as London because of the industrial revolution. They raised the idea that access to Public Park Lands was needed for workers and those with no access to fresh air. The response from decision makers was ‘let’s try it in the colonies'. Happily, Col Light was aware of the idea and in his city plan for Adelaide in 1837 included the first Public Park Lands in the world.
The Park Lands have always been a contested space since colonisation. It is fortunate that we still have them with many areas improved from when they were virtually denuded of what was there at the time the colonists began settling in.
Today they are more important than ever for we live in the time of rapid climate change.
To destroy the benefits of the Park Lands by pouring more concrete, creating more buildings is bad for us. It’s indicative of the government's lack of understanding of the times we live in.
The old thinking of promising familiar jobs and even older thinking of let's distract them with games, amounts to criminal negligence.
The Government needs to focus on ameliorating the impacts of Climate Change not ignoring the reality of what is happening. Adelaide, the capital city, is surrounded by Park Lands; it is the most marvellous assett any city could have. Don't ruin it with your old world thinking.

MAM about 3 years ago

I object to the parklands being encroached upon, especially pinky flat & along the river. Why not use existing spaces better? There are so many places for lease. People need places to spend time where they don’t need to spend money or be moved on. Keep this unique asset. There are more boring skyscrapers going up that are unlikely to be fully used and the public subsidise these projects while losing access. Enough

JW about 3 years ago

Words can barely express how angry I am about plans for yet more development in our parklands. There has already been a massive erosion of the incredibly important and visionary legacy left to us by Colonel Light. It has to stop! And judging by comments in this guestbook and what people are saying to me in everyday conversation, I am not the only one. It has become what some like to call a 'watercooler topic'. Friends who've never taken an interest in heritage issues are paying attention now. I know of several long-term Liberal Party members who are openly saying they will be changing their vote in the coming election because they are so disgusted at this river area proposal, on top of a series of decisions made in recent times, including the new planning regulations, the KI national park commercial tourism development, and the demolition of the Victor Harbor causeway. So like it or not, protecting our heritage and our environment is now an election issue.

LizzieH about 3 years ago

The parklands are one of the most important parts of our city. The green contributes to reducing the urban heat island effect, protecting the health of people living in the city centre, as well as providing recreational opportunities and a way for people to interact with nature, not to mention the importance the land has to the Kaurna people. It's disrespectful to all who live in the city and to the traditional owners of the land to get rid of any of the remaining greenery when there's already too much development on the parklands. It's hard to imagine why anybody thinks this is a good idea.

iamnotapotato8 about 3 years ago

Hands off our diminishing parklands!

KP about 3 years ago

If we do not honour the Kaurna living history under this ground and protect the living green that grows above this ground, we continue the destruction colonisation has already wrought, and we will all be poorer for it. Save the parklands for the amenities they provide all citizens, and for the contribution they make to stemming climate warming. It really is a matter of life and death for the planet.

drpjrose about 3 years ago

The ongoing intrusion into the parklands has to stop. We pride ourselves on being one if the most liveable cities in the world, yet are hellbent on destroying what helped us earn that title.

Peter Klaosen about 3 years ago

With plans to increase the residence in the CBD then there will be even more importance on the open public spaces we have for their recreation and wellbeing, especially as they will be living in appartments with no gardens or outdoor spaces.
If you keep chipping away at these public spaces you will never get them back and the parklands are what makes Adelaide unique.
It is the easy way out of planning for the future infrastructure of the city. What would you do if it was not there?

Rae O'connell2 about 3 years ago

I think that Adelaide's CBD is bordered by parklands for good reason. Public spaces like the current River Torrens provide a valuable place for people to gather without necessarily needing to spend money, so it has social function to people with low incomes. But beyond that, it's a space that all South Australians can enjoy. Keep the river Torrens the way it is!


Liam C. about 3 years ago

Much of Adelaide's charm is provided by its wonderful parklands and natural riverbanks where one can interact with a variety of birdlife ( ducks, swans, pelicans etc.) : these are unique environmental havens which must be protected and maintained at all costs. Keep the developers and mediocrity away! No rezoning!

Rosemary Douglas about 3 years ago

I am totally disgusted with real estate conglomerates and Governments trying to grab our park lands under the false claim of progress. Colonel Light gave us a great heritage that MUST be preserved at all costs.
You are all trying to build something for your profit on land you don't pay for and leave a mess for future generations.

techron about 3 years ago

When I complained about the loss of space for cycling on North Terrace I was told that I could use the River Torrens. When they had the "urban beach" a few years ago we had to get off and walk. OK for a few weeks, I suppose. But this is permanent. No "cyclists dismount" signs!

Ian Radbone about 3 years ago