Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment Guestbook

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct by leaving a comment below.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

It doesn't make sense. Why spend money on another stadium, when you have Coopers Stadium, which is being upgraded, and the Entertainment Centre, which has been upgraded. Both with parking and access through public transport.

I'm all for progression and growth. But maybe take some advice from other states on how they have preserved their parklands. Victoria has done a great job and cleaning up their parklands area, promoting it for events with open spaces, and not built new stadiums over the top. They've enhanced the prestige of the spaces, and made them great spaces for events, outdoor exercise and socialising.

I would be more welcome to accept amendments if it maintain the intent of the parklands. You don't need to build a stadium here. In fact you don't need to build another stadium in Adelaide. That is not the solution to anything. Let alone the solution to preserving the parklands.

Chrispy over 3 years ago

The Premier claims that the proposed stadium on Helen Mayo Park is to be built on degraded land. My observation is that is not the case but if the Premier is correct, why not regenerate that land so it can be fully used for its originally intended purpose? If money is to be spent improving the area, rather than an unwanted and unnecessary stadium why not build a pedestrian bridge over the railway lines so the park can be more easily enjoyed by residents and workers in the north western corner of the CBD?

RunSA over 3 years ago

No more building on our world famous parklands. This destruction of Lights vision must stop. We need openspace to combat the high density building that now exists in the city's west.

Richard Huxter over 3 years ago

The parklands are a precious community asset that DOES NOT NEED any more buildings.
leave the parklands alone - use pop ups and temporary assets - not permanent

Clare Tizard over 3 years ago

This gross infringement on the riverbank and its historic olive groves and significant Kaurna land is a by product of the disastrous decision to build the nWCH hospital on an inadequate footprint next to the RAH.
It is public land and should be kept as part of the parkland heritage planned by our settlers.

Concerned over 3 years ago

The infrastructure footprint within the parklands areas is currently too comprehensive. The city council should be more concerned about the mass number of vacant offices, shops, cafes and other buildings within the CBD before even attempting to look to expand and develop the riverbank.

Kaylee Thompson over 3 years ago

If any part of the parklands are degraded, then it would be a good idea to engage the traditional Kaurna land owners to manage a process of full rehabilitation, for a fraction of the cost of all the planned developments. This is the way of the future. Nature will thank you for it, and in the long term prosperity will follow, in a more sustainable manner than the short term plans being proposed. I hope an evironmental impact assessment is being done to find out what the proposed plans mean for habitats and species. In the Karrawirra Pari we have an opportunity to create something really special and undo a little of the harm we have done to this beautiful country. Please do not waste this opportunity. We need balance, as the parklands were originally designed for.

julie chamberlain over 3 years ago

Who do you think you are, tampering with our city's heritage? These plans aren't progress, they're vandalism.

AliT over 3 years ago

Public PARK lands.

Not development land.

Not hospital land.

Not convention centre, casino, hotel, theatre, university, museum, research centre, car park, football HQ, or bloody stadium either.

Just. stop. eating. up. the. parklands.

Anthony Bennett over 3 years ago

When so many cities throughout the world are resembling concrete jungles, Adelaide has the opportunity to stand out and benefit from its intrinsic charm and beauty. Do not support the visual and social desecration of what makes our city centre unique. Leave our parklands as originally planned.

Barbara over 3 years ago

Absolutely no! This is a dreadful takeover of the Parklands! This must NOT go ahead!

Lobo over 3 years ago


SayNo over 3 years ago

The parklands are parklands, that means NO MORE buildings! The labour party just needs to sit tight and watch while the liberals try to create more of a concrete jungle in our beautiful city and the voters abandon the liberal ship

Helen Seamark over 3 years ago

No more developments on river bank.....We dont need them

Libby Stalley over 3 years ago

With all of the research and studies showing nature is the best healer and being in nature improves mental health not to mention the fact that we NEED to retain our established trees in order to remotely build defences to fight climate change. Unfortunately it seems yet another case of money talks. The RAH was built taking into account horticulture therapy principals, green space heals, and yet now the green space isn't important? We are Adelaide, not Melbourne or Sydney or anywhere else. What we have here is a city we love. To be able to walk along the Torrens and take in the tranquillity while being in the city. How about we capitalise on that? Just do the right thing for once.

N King over 3 years ago

No! Privatisation / commercialisation of PUBLIC space is never a good thing and we have seen enough of it already. We have a perfectly good arena just down the road at Hindmarsh with great tram access to and from the city. And why do we need to ‘activate’ (i.e. monetise) the waterfront? What’s wrong with having a peaceful, natural environment in the centre of the city? Surely that’s a good thing that should be protected and not trashed! Not many other cities get to enjoy what we have, we should be protecting it for future generations

Tom Hamper over 3 years ago

DO NOT TOUCH THE PARKLANDS... this state is being run for developers.....must make big donations to Liberal Party.... refer to proposed development along Torrens in Lockleys area as well. If things keep on going like this, we'll have a lovely bunch of useless stadiums, high rise along the Torrens and no trees.... so much for this government's commitment to fight against global warming!!!

Aura Valli over 3 years ago

There should be no re-zoning. The way you are going you will not be happy until every piece of land is built on. We have a lovely riverbank area that can be used for small festivals and celebrations as has happened in the past. We are now going to have a ridiculous entertainment centre which is not needed as we have a very good Entertainment centre that has won many awards. Money is being spent in the wrong places. Get in the real world

Lorraine Rayner over 3 years ago

Adelaide has always prided itself on our Parklands and "green belt". It one of those features that makes Adelaide one of the most livable cities in the world. While we doo need upgraded hospital facilities, there is absolutely no reason to have them in the middle of the parklands. As for another useless stadium - the city already shuts down every time there is a football game at Adelaide Oval, lets leave the stadiums to the suburbs shall we. Our parklands and River precinct are for everyone to enjoy, not just those who can afford to buy a place.

Judy Almond over 3 years ago

Leave the parklands alone, enough is enough.

sally5245 over 3 years ago