Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct.

What's being decided?

We are progressing infrastructure initiatives of state significance in Adelaide’s Riverbank Precinct including the development of the proposed new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

A review is proposed to ensure the current zoning and policy is appropriate and provides the strategic framework to guide future development. It is proposed to:

  • Rezone land west of the Royal Adelaide Hospital from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Health Subzone) to support the development of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
  • Rezone land west of Montefiore Rd from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Entertainment Subzone) and a portion of land already in City Riverbank Zone from Health Subzone to Entertainment Subzone. This will support the development of entertainment-related uses, such as an arena.
  • Rezone land from the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to City Riverbank Zone (Innovation Subzone) to more appropriately reflect the land use and form of the existing Adelaide Botanic High School and its curtilage.
  • Apply a new Riverbank Subzone in the Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the southern and northern side of the River Torrens between Kintore Avenue and the Torrens Weir to accommodate small-scale development such as cafes and shops (both on-water and off-water) that contributes to the activation of the riverfront, in a way that protects the open landscaped character and heritage values of Elder Park.
  • Update the ‘Concept Plan 85 – City Riverbank’ within the Innovation Subzone to retain the important open space link from Frome Road to the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.
  • Make policy changes to support connections and linkages throughout the precinct.
  • Make policy changes to support development of high quality and amenity.

Individuals, businesses, organisations and communities interested in and/or affected by the proposed Code Amendment are invited to contribute in the process of preparing and finalising the Code Amendment.


The Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment is consistent with the South Australian Government’s vision for the Riverbank, delivering a world-class health, sporting, educational and biomedical precinct with strong connections to the city centre and reinforcing North Terrace as a premier cultural boulevard.

The Code Amendment seeks to improve accessibility and connections into and within the area, improve built form outcomes, consider land use needs of the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital, and consider entertainment and complementary activities in the health/biomedical and entertainment precincts along the riverbank.

The Code Amendment seeks to rezone three areas immediately adjacent to the City Riverbank Zone - from Adelaide Park Lands Zone to the City Riverbank Zone and apply the Health Subzone, the Entertainment Subzone and the Innovation Subzone respectively.

You can read more about the background in the Engagement Plan and accompanying documents.

The Code Amendment is being led by the Chief Executive of the Attorney-General’s Department pursuant to section 73(2)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Community consultation will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

Get involved

Read more about the affected area and the proposed changes:

Have your say by:

Attention: Code Amendment Team
Planning and Land Use Services Division
Attorney-General’s Department
GPO Box 1815
Adelaide SA 5001

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will help inform final recommendations to the Minister for Planning and Local Government prior to consideration whether to approve, amend or refuse the Code Amendment.

An engagement report will be published once the consultation concludes.

Riverbank Precinct Code Amendment Guestbook

Have your say on the proposed rezoning of the Riverbank Precinct by leaving a comment below.

Consultation has concluded. Below is a record of the engagement.

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

Leave the Parklands alone!

sally5245 about 3 years ago

Successive governments are steadily destroying our heritage, There is never any compensation to the community for land appropriated from parklands. IF the Children's hospital MUST be relocated onto parkland - the old Children's Hospital should be turned into parkland to partly compensate - but the government will never do this as it will see a windfall profit in selling it.

Nathan about 3 years ago

The Parklands environs must be preserved in accordance with long held practice. The Riverbank has been let down by not protecting natural egress from North Terrace and the blocking of river views. Had their been some foresight and less focus on construction $ we would have had a sympathetic city result. I fear more ghastly grey plastic design if this incursion goes ahead.
We need to get serious about the state of poor design in Adelaide and go for the Parkland City green prize - one of the few cities left in the world with such an advantage.

Elizabeth Ho about 3 years ago

The parklands are precisely that, encroaching on it is a a crime and a desecration of the cities heritage.

Armstrong about 3 years ago

Hi, I am appalled at the proposed plans for the use of the riverbank parklands adjacent the Festival Theatre and Playhouse Theatre and Pinky Flat. Precious green space will be lost forever, leave it alone and leave the irreplaceable trees alone. This is public space for use during festivals and events allowing the general public to partake in free events and daily social activities. Pop up events are all that is needed here. The government is in for a huge downfall if they proceed on the plans for an entertainment complex, and to allow permanent structures on Pinky Flat.

Wendy Egan about 3 years ago

Absolutely NO!!!

RV about 3 years ago

If we don't want this in the beautiful city parklands we certainly don't want it in our residential areas - this rezoning - https://yoursay.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/lockleys-code-amendment - would remove a childcare centre, local employment hub and build 6 storey towers against the parklands in a quiet residential area!

Andrew Trimmings about 3 years ago

And JC - Adelaide is unique and we don't want to be like everywhere else. The cities you mention suffer overcrowding and the rivers are polluted - just look at Melbourne! There are plenty of places to dine along the river or looking over the river, we need to be a green and sustainable city to maintain what is unique and so very livable about Adelaide.

Rachel181 about 3 years ago

Please do not go ahead with this proposal. Our city is unique and you are seeking to take the very things that creates such an inclusive and beautiful place. The parklands are not for the Government of the day to build on - I am heartbroken that this would even be given consideration. Please don't steal our heritage.

Rachel181 about 3 years ago

I reject the re-zoning of any part of the Adelaide Park Lands. Park lands should stay as they are. Before this is done, it would be only fair if there government took the issue to an election first.

Sam Gallery about 3 years ago

I reject the re-zoning of any part of the Adelaide Park Lands.
The various parths are used for cycling/transport and to mix these with restaurants buildings will cause more bike riders to need to ride on the major roads into the city, and drivers will continue to complain!

Lee Anne Fleming about 3 years ago

I spent a lot of time living in Europe and saw some incredible cities with beautiful river side precincts (im looking at you Cologne). I've always thought it was nuts we didn't have restaurants and cafes alongside the river and that that area be a core part of our entertainment areas. I fully support anything that starts putting dining and food on the riverside.

JC about 3 years ago

Keep our green zones and spend the money on fixing our health system crisis! Hospitals and Ambos are beyond breaking point! More health care workers and beds in hospitals, put an end to ramping, and look after the health of our community!

Alysse about 3 years ago

One of the nicest things about Adelaide are the Parklands -they are important for many reason -biodiversity, our physical and mental health, and have historic value. It would be a big mistake to change the zoning and hence change the character of Adelaide. I also don't understand why so many trees would have to be chopped down in this age of climate change - where are the priorities? Adelaide wants to be green and a National Park City -which are great ideas and should be shown in our beautiful city center by adding diversity and trees, not removing any of it!

Nynke Van Der Burg about 3 years ago

Why do our politicians insist on continuing to diminish what is one of our great natural, public and free assets - the parklands - particularly for things that arent needed and are low priorities (new stadium) compared to others. The parklands continues to suffer death by a thousand cuts, whittled away here, whittled away there. I'd love to see two things: 1) Let the people decide - a citizens jury on this development, versus maintaining the parklands, 2) A revised parklands act that essentially says that for whatever size of parklands is chewed up for building or other uses for a given development, that the same size in total must be returned to parklands for public use. That would stop the continual whittling away. This is at the same time as this Government has its own walking strategy out for consultation - which guess what - encourages people to get out and about more in open spaces.

Andrew L about 3 years ago

How in all conscience can this irresponsible group of opportunists calling themselves Adelaide City Council think that butchering 70 hectares of our National Heritage Parklands is a good idea? Green space is GOLD to all the residents of urban areas. It should be protected and indeed, increased wherever possible. The only short term winners from this are (interstate) developers. The ACC’s only means of raising revenue is by selling off assets. This council should stick to the three Rs. Rates, Road maintenance and Rubbish. And even then, on review of their Bios, they have not the skills to be running a business of this magnitude.

Cat about 3 years ago

Please NO!

SueGG about 3 years ago

What an absolutely horrid idea. I honestly do not understand why getting rid of our beautiful parklands is a priority.

Hooplu about 3 years ago

It’s insane planning, the rest of the world is striving to attain more green spaces to limit the heat zones building creates? It’s like the proposal ignores reality, given that the projection is that Adelaide and SA are going to be massively affected by climate change , and may well be unlivable in the future. There are many vacant office premises in Adelaide and this will probably escalate as covid and its new strains hit us. It. Is so unrealistic to even contemplate increasing the heat volume that building, concrete, etc create. So shortsighted and selfish (In my view). Have you no children? You would make life worse for them by ruining the green spaces that presently exists by building on them

Tobe about 3 years ago

This proposed development is inappropriate and insane, given the impact of climate change and its escalation. Many authors have pointed out the increase in heat from concrete , including the studies from universities that the parklands are 5- 8 degrees lower in summer than built up areas; eg you dont need to be scientist to recognise that walking on the streets barefoot in summer is impossible but not so in the parklands. Besides many offices are vacant in the city itself. While the rest of the world is fighting to attain more green spaces in their major cities this bizarre proposal is intent upon removing them. Have you no regard for the the future, or do you not h ave children, or if you do ignore their future and destroy the green spaces that are not heat zones for your

Tobe about 3 years ago