Royal Commission - Our role in nuclear energy
Consultation has concluded
The Royal Commission has now released its Report. To join the current Nuclear community conversation click here.
Consultation on the Terms of Reference closed on 13 March 2015. You can view the email submissions received:
Phase 1 - determining issues to be included in the draft terms of reference
Phase 2 - submissions in response to the draft terms of reference
Consultation on the issues to be included in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission Terms of Reference was conducted in February and a total of 309 submissions were received.
The submissions noted the need for theContinue reading
The Royal Commission has now released its Report. To join the current Nuclear community conversation click here.
Consultation on the Terms of Reference closed on 13 March 2015. You can view the email submissions received:
Phase 1 - determining issues to be included in the draft terms of reference
Phase 2 - submissions in response to the draft terms of reference
Consultation on the issues to be included in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission Terms of Reference was conducted in February and a total of 309 submissions were received.
The submissions noted the need for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission to consider:
- the effect on the economy;
- the effect on the environment;
- nuclear safety;
- renewable energy technology;
- the impact upon communities, including aboriginal communities;
- the effect on other sectors of the State’s economy, in particular the tourism, wine and food sectors; and
- technical issues.
This feedback was carefully considered and reflected in the prepared draft Terms of Reference.
Visit the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission website to find out more.
The Royal Commission has now released its Report. To join the current Nuclear community conversation click here.
The draft Terms of Reference seek to direct the Royal Commission to inquire into whether there is any potential for expansion of the current level of exploration, extraction or milling of minerals containing radioactive materials in South Australia, and the feasibility of the State becoming involved in:
- the further processing of minerals, and the processing and manufacture of materials containing radioactive and nuclear substances (but not for, or from, military uses) including conversion, enrichment, fabrication or re-processing in South Australia;
- the generation of electricity from nuclear fuels; and
- the management, storage and disposal of non-military nuclear and radioactive waste.
Reflecting concerns raised in the submissions, the draft Terms of Reference specifically requires the Royal Commission, when inquiring into the risks and opportunities associated with these matters, to consider, where appropriate, their impact upon the economy, the environment and the community (including regional, remote and aboriginal communities).
While broad, the draft Terms of Reference seek to enable the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission to conduct its inquiries and report to the Governor within 12 months.
Submissions on the draft Terms of Reference concluded by Friday 13 March 2015 and will be considered before final Terms of Reference are presented to His Excellency the Governor.
View the email submissions received:
- Phase 1 - determining issues to be included in the draft terms of reference
- Phase 2 - submissions in response to the draft terms of reference
*Important information about submissions
If you do not want the public to read your answers, please write “confidential” on your submission. Please be aware that unless you write “confidential” on your submission it may be made public.
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However, we have to follow the law. Even if your answers are confidential, we may still have to let someone read your confidential answers, if they ask for them through the Freedom of Information Act process.
The Royal Commission has now released its Report. To join the current Nuclear community conversation click here.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission was established on 19 March 2015 to undertake an independent and comprehensive investigation into South Australia’s participation in four areas of activity that form part of the nuclear fuel cycle.
Those activities relate to the potential for the expansion of exploration and extraction of minerals, and the undertaking of further processing of minerals and manufacture of materials containing radioactive substances, use of nuclear fuels for electricity generation and the storage and disposal of radioactive and nuclear waste.
To find out more, or to stay informed of the progress of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission, visit
What you said
The Royal Commission has now released its Report. To join the current Nuclear community conversation click here.
Royal Commission - Our role in nuclear energy is currently at this stageThis consultation closed on 13 March 2015.