SA Arid Lands 10-year Regional NRM Plan 2017-2027

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Consultation has concluded


Consultation closed but work is still underway.

Thank you for checking in on the progress of the SA Arid Lands NRM Board’s draft Regional NRM Plan 2017-2027. Read about the update here.


The South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board is interested to hear from the community on its draft Regional NRM Plan which sets the direction for managing the SA Arid Lands region’s natural resources for the next 10 years.

What is being decided?

The draft Regional NRM Plan 2017-2027 (PDF 20MB) provides guidance for the planning, actions and investments of all government, industries


Consultation closed but work is still underway.

Thank you for checking in on the progress of the SA Arid Lands NRM Board’s draft Regional NRM Plan 2017-2027. Read about the update here.


The South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board is interested to hear from the community on its draft Regional NRM Plan which sets the direction for managing the SA Arid Lands region’s natural resources for the next 10 years.

What is being decided?

The draft Regional NRM Plan 2017-2027 (PDF 20MB) provides guidance for the planning, actions and investments of all government, industries and communities involved in natural resources management in the region over the next 10 years as well as a 3-year Business Plan (PDF 1.25MB) to guide the Board’s own investments.

Underpinned by our community values, it introduces a new ‘systems approach’ to natural resources management in the region that looks at the interaction of our natural resources – our plants, animals, soil and water – within our landscape and the extent to which they are able to sustain how we live and earn an income.

For more information click here.

How can your input influence the decision?

The community is at the centre of natural resources management in the SA Arid Lands region – and our community values at the centre of the draft Regional NRM Plan. Through the release of the draft Plan, the Board is keen to open conversations with community about our region and how we can combine local knowledge, community values and scientific evidence to make decisions and respond to change.

We encourage you to download the following information to consider the Plan and provide your feedback:

Have your say and submit your feedback by:

Please refer to the back page of the Summary Sheet or our website for other ways in which you can provide feedback including details of community group meetings.

How will your input be used?

Your feedback matters and may be used in a variety of ways:

  • to alter the draft Plan
  • to inform our ongoing delivery of the Plan, and/or;
  • to contribute to the ongoing collection of knowledge and data which will further build our evidence library and understanding of the region and its systems.

Feedback closes at 5pm 8 December 2016.

All feedback will be considered by the SA Arid Lands NRM Board in finalising the draft Regional NRM Plan at its meeting on 13-14 December 2016.

A Consultation Report will also be prepared summarising the efforts made to consult on the Plan and providing a summary of feedback received and the Board’s response.
The Regional NRM Plan with any amendments and the Consultation Report will be forwarded to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for consideration and adoption by June 2017.

The Consultation Report will be made available on the Arid Lands website when the Plan is adopted.

Want to find out more?


The draft Regional NRM Plan sets up an ongoing process to:

  • work with community on sharing knowledge about how our systems function
  • identify how we want our region to look (good versus bad condition)
  • to define what is driving change to our region, districts and ecological systems.

The Plan:

  • uses an evidence based, systems approach which shifts the focus from the region’s individual assets – soils, plants, animals, water, industries, people, towns – to consider how they interact as a system, and what is driving change to those systems
  • requires us to work in partnership with our stakeholders and community to hold what may be difficult conversations to navigate that change and to prioritise management actions
  • acknowledges the different views and values that our community holds about the region
  • takes account of new research, policies and legislation, and strengthens our response to climate change.

Perhaps most importantly, it sets up a process which recognises that our systems are constantly changing and that this change brings with it both opportunities and challenges for the region. We welcome your feedback on the Plan (and the approach it presents).

Consultation has concluded
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    Consultation closed but work is still underway

    Thank you for checking in on the progress of the SA Arid Lands NRM Board’s draft Regional NRM Plan 2017-2027.

    Consultation closed at 5pm on Thursday 8 December. The Board is now considering the feedback and making any necessary amendments. A Consultation Report is also being prepared summarising the efforts made to consult on the draft Plan, provide a summary of feedback received, and the Board’s response.