SA Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 - 2024

Consultation has concluded

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 12 March 2019 to 19 April 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.

We would like your feedback on South Australia's proposed new health and wellbeing strategy.

What is being decided

We are developing a draft health and wellbeing strategy which focuses on our state's health priorities for the next five years. Your feedback will ensure the things that matter to you are considered and used to help shape this strategy.

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy will provide a guide for positioning South Australia’s health system

Consultation Process

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 12 March 2019 to 19 April 2019. Below is a record of the consultation process.

We would like your feedback on South Australia's proposed new health and wellbeing strategy.

What is being decided

We are developing a draft health and wellbeing strategy which focuses on our state's health priorities for the next five years. Your feedback will ensure the things that matter to you are considered and used to help shape this strategy.

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy will provide a guide for positioning South Australia’s health system towards achieving the future we want for all South Australians.

The vision and aims of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy will assist individuals and organisations to work together effectively to achieve the outcomes that we want and to stay focussed on these, even while addressing the daily issues that our complex system faces.

The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 – 2024 will use a combination of population health need, demand and supply assessment analysis, as well as a variety of consultation approaches to determine the focus for the next five years.

How can your input influence the decision?

To help you contribute your thoughts about the strategy we have created a South Australian Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 - 2024 summary framework for consultationThis document provides the rationale to our approach, guidance and supporting information and presents four key themes that emerged from our early consultations. Each theme has a number of deliverable actions we would like you to consider.

Get involved

Read the South Australian Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 - 2024 summary framework for consultation and tell us what you think:

What are the next steps?

Your feedback will be provided to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy project team, and will be taken into consideration in the drafting of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 - 2024.

The draft Strategy will be delivered to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing and published in June 2019.

Contact Details

For more information email:

Closing date: 5pm Friday 19 April 2019


Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 12 March 2019 to 19 April 2019. Below is a record of this engagement.

The demand for health services both nationally and in SA is growing. This rapid growth poses a challenge to the SA health system as it strives to provide high quality services which meet the population’s health needs.

It is important that development of the health system is thoughtfully planned, informed by evidence and advice from experts including community members and current consumers.

Our planning principles

The planning principles used to guide the Health and Wellbeing Strategy development are:

  • Our people and partners are actively engaged in improving the health and wellbeing of all South Australians.
  • Consumers and communities are at the centre of our decisions and inform the design and provision of health and well-being services.
  • Evidence and need informs clinical service design and delivery.
  • Innovation, research and teaching is valued and supported.
  • Diversity is recognised, planned for and catered to.
  • Value considerations drive decisions and investment is sustainable.
  • Outcomes are measured and responded to.
  • Services are designed to deliver access and opportunity for all.
  • Our current and future workforce is motivated and supported to provide excellent services to their community.

To achieve this we will:

  • Prevent chronic disease, communicable disease and injury, and prevent exacerbation of established chronic disease
  • Partner with individuals, families and communities to enhance their health and wellbeing
  • Support individuals and their families through recovery
  • Create healthier neighbourhoods and communities
  • Respond when needed to manage acute conditions and injuries
  • Assist individuals and families to adapt to changes in their health and wellbeing overtime, including at end of life
  • Protect against public and environmental health risks and adapt to climate change
  • Improve the health literacy of the population
  • Ensure that services are culturally appropriate.

Consultation process

Our early consultation involved working with consumers through the Health Consumers Alliance, senior health service managers (clinicians and other executives) in Local Health Networks (LHNs) and senior managers within the Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW) to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.

The responses from this consultation have informed the development of this South Australian Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 - 2024 summary framework for consultation.

A state-wide workshop was held on 6 November 2018 at Flinders University, Victoria Square involving a diverse group of 136 participants including clinicians, consumers, senior SA Health managers and executives, DHW Leading Clinicians Alumni, representatives from the research and education sector, Non-Government Organisation service providers, as well as government partner agencies from police, energy and mining, environment and water, education and the Auditor General’s Department.

This workshop focussed on key areas identified through our early consultation with a particular focus on the topics, Better use of Technology and the relationship between the consumer and health care provider, through new directions in the Culture of Care.

What we heard

We heard that the current health system focus on ill health, is short sighted and not consistent with the approach people take in their everyday lives. We recognise that over time some people have lost trust in the health system and that regaining this trust is imperative.

We also know that while our population is not growing as quickly as some other states in Australia, we have a significant growth in some parts of the state, and our population is ageing. We know that dementia, cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental illness, chronic diseases like diabetes and respiratory conditions are significant challenges for many individuals in our community, and our planning needs to ensure our system is designed to provide the support that is needed.


Consultation has helped us develop the following goals for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy:

  • Ensure higher community trust and excellent experience of the health system
  • Support and improve individual and community capability to enhance health and wellbeing
  • Low rates of preventable illness, injury and disability
  • Innovative and evidence-based models of care to improve the management of acute and chronic conditions and injuries
  • System integration to support a streamlined and efficient transport/patient flow through health system
  • Innovative and evidence-based models of care to improve the management of recovery, rehabilitation and end of life care
  • Support the health workforce to allow / provide a participatory approach to health care
  • Continually improve the consumer experience by positioning ourselves to develop and be early-adopters of emerging technologies and contemporary practice

Now we would like your feedback to help us further develop South Australia's new health and wellbeing strategy.

Consultation has concluded