How has the Department got to this point in the development of the Skills Plan Concept?

    In early 2022 targeted stakeholder engagement was undertaken with external stakeholders to understand the challenges and opportunities for the VET System as it related to those stakeholders. 

    This engagement was complemented by research on national and international best practice and informed the design of the concept.

    How did you come up with the 3 focus areas?

    Through the engagement with stakeholders and our research we identified focus areas of people, the training system and the economy as critical to the success of a world class skills system.

    As a result, the three focus areas of Skilled People, Seamless System and Successful Economy create the pillars of the Skills Plan concept.

    Who has the Department already consulted with? (Internal/External)

    Early engagement occurred with employers, industry representatives, training providers and all State Government agencies.  Feedback received through this consultation provided an understanding of the current challenges and opportunities and has informed the development of the South Australian Skills Plan Concept.

    Are the needs of learners being considered as part of the South Australian Skills Plan? If yes, how?

    Yes, learners, including apprentices and trainees, will be an important focus of the South Australian Skills Plan. Skilled people are at the heart of the concept: we want a system that allows all learners to have a meaningful and inspiring experience that meets their individual needs. Many of the ideas we want to see in the Skills Plan, such as inclusive access to high quality training, apply to all learners, but we also know apprentices and trainees have unique needs that need to be identified, understood, and met.

    As well as engaging on the Skills Plan through YourSAy, we will be undertaking more focused consultation with learners, including apprentices and trainees. We would welcome feedback from apprentices and trainees, as well as their employers, to ensure the Skills Plan reflects their needs and aspirations.

    How will the Skills Plan respond and adapt to the emerging needs of employers, industry and Government more broadly?

    The pace of change in the skills system is accelerating, and we need a flexible and forward-looking Skills Plan that will accommodate emerging needs or changed circumstances. The Plan will include a roadmap that outlines short, medium and long-term drivers to achieve our vision of having highly adaptable skilled people, supported by an accessible and seamless system, driving a successful economy by 2033.

    Hearing from employers, industry and Government as part of this engagement will allow the development of long term solutions as well as enabling us to respond to immediate skills challenges.

    Who will be responsible for the implementation and long-term monitoring of the plan and its outcomes, including post 2033?

    Implementation of the Skills Plan, including establishment of success measures and monitoring approach will be led by Skills SA in collaboration with Government agencies and stakeholders.

    How does the South Australian Skills Plan relate to other Education related initiatives?

    Improving the connectedness between schools, VET and higher education is an important aspect of the South Australian Skills Plan Concept and we want to improve the perception, and value proposition, of VET for learners and industry. Work is already underway in our public education system to address this, including through reforms to reposition VET within secondary schools, as outlined in the ‘Vocational Education and Training for School Students policy’ and the Government’s commitment to building four new Technical Colleges. For more information on the Technical colleges visit

    What makes this plan different to previous South Australian skills plans or strategies?

    The South Australian Skills Plan Concept has been informed by an analysis of the current state of the South Australian VET system and opportunities for realisation in a future state. Bringing together stakeholder feedback and international best practice, the South Australian Skills Plan will articulate the long term vision and direction for the skills system in the state and outline the roadmap to achieve that vision.

    How does the South Australian Skills Plan connect or relate to the South Australian Skills Commission Strategic Plan?

    The South Australian Skills Commission Strategic Plan outlines the directions and objectives for the South Australian Skills Commission in relation to the functions outlined in the South Australian Skills Act 2008, including monitoring the health of the system and providing advice on workforce development.

    The South Australian Skills Plan is focussed on reform of the broader SA skills system, which will take into account the directions of the SASC Strategic Plan as well as feedback received through engagement.  

    How will the Skills Plan respond to immediate skills needs?

    By engaging widely with all our stakeholders we are seeking feedback from form learners, workers, employers, industry and the community to ensure the final Skills Plan meets the needs of our stakeholders.  

    Hearing from people and engaging broadly on the Skills Plan Concept will enable the development of both long term skills solutions and enable us to respond to immediate skills challenges.