Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve Draft Management Plan
Consultation has concluded
This engagement has now closed
Updates (outcomes coming soon) |
What you said |
Help guide the development of the first management plan for the Simpson Desert Conversation Park and Regional Reserve.
What is being decided?
A park management plan is being developed for the Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve, which will set the vision for the area and outline a set of directions to achieve the vision.
The Simpson Desert is the world’s largest sand dune desert, with the world’s longest parallel dunes. South Australia’s Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Simpson Desert Regional Reserve sit just within theContinue reading
This engagement has now closed
Updates (outcomes coming soon) | What you said |
Help guide the development of the first management plan for the Simpson Desert Conversation Park and Regional Reserve.
What is being decided?
A park management plan is being developed for the Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve, which will set the vision for the area and outline a set of directions to achieve the vision.
The Simpson Desert is the world’s largest sand dune desert, with the world’s longest parallel dunes. South Australia’s Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Simpson Desert Regional Reserve sit just within the SA border, abutting southern Queensland and the Northern Territory. This is the country of the Wangkangurru Yarluyandi people and a destination for travelers from near and far.
How can your input influence the decision?
Have your say on the Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve Draft Management Plan (PDF 2.3MB)
A draft management plan has been developed to facilitate community input into the management of the Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve. The plan addresses the most important issues facing the conservation park and regional reserve, focusing on three key themes:
Theme 1: Keeping Wangkangurru Yarluyandi culture alive
Theme 2: Maintaining the natural desert landscape
Theme 3: Providing a unique cultural and nature-based experience for visitors
Provide your feedback about the future management of the Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve by:
- joining the online discussion
- sending in a submission via email at or via post to:
Amy Allen
Project Officer
Protected Areas Unit
GPO Box 1047
Members of the community are encouraged to express their views on the draft plan by making a submission. Submissions may be made up to 10 November 2017.
To ensure that your submission is effective:
- State the plan to which you are referring, as several may be on public exhibition.
- Make your submission concise and clear.
- Refer to the page, section number, paragraph and/or objective or strategy upon which you are commenting.
- Identify aspects of the draft plan that you support, or do not support. Explain your reasons for disagreeing with the content of the draft plan and suggest alternatives.
- If you are commenting on the accuracy of background information, provide references for your information sources.
- Each submission will be carefully reviewed and comments incorporated where appropriate.
How will your input be used?
Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via return email or post. The Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Simpson Desert Regional Reserve Management Plan, together with the draft plan, all public submissions and a detailed Analysis of Submissions, will be forwarded to the Parks and Wilderness Council for its consideration and advice.
The plan, along with Council’s advice will then be forwarded to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for consideration and adoption. Notice of the adoption of the final plan will be published in the Government Gazette and the final Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Simpson Desert Regional Reserve Management Plan will be made available at
The Analysis of Submissions document will be released along with the final plan. This document details the comments raised, the response to those comments and whether any changes were made to the plan as a result of those comments. For more information on the criteria used to analyse submissions, click here (DOC 125KB).
Please note that your submission will become part of the public record and will be available to anyone who requests a copy unless you specifically request otherwise.
Want to know more?
- Download the draft management plan (PDF 2.3MB).
- Follow us on Twitter @SADEWNR.
- Email us at
- Call us on (08) 8207 7747.
2016 Discussion Paper
A discussion paper was released in 2016, the feedback from which contributed to the development of this draft management plan.
View the original engagement here.
Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve Draft Management Plan - update
The draft management plan for Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Simpson Desert Regional Reserve was released for public consultation over a three month period to facilitate community input into the development of the final plan. Consultation closed on 10 November 2017 and the plan is now in the final stages of development.
Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve Discussion Paper
A discussion paper was released in 2016, the feedback from which contributed to the development of this draft management plan.
View the original engagement here.
Simpson Desert Conservation Park and Regional Reserve Draft Management Plan is currently at this stageThe consultation period closed on 10 November 2017 and is currently pending outcome.