SOER 2023 Project Board

The Project Board will oversee the delivery of the Report and provide strategic direction that will inform the Report’s content. This includes the framework and the content for the summary report and key recommendations that will be presented to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water in December 2023.

Around the table left: Sandy Carruthers (DEW Executive Director, Strategy, Science and Corporate Services), Dr Stephen Christley (EPA Board member), Keith Baldry (A/Chief Executive EPA), Rob Kerin (Chair Regional Development South Australia), Tara Ingerson (Project Manager SOER 2023, EPA), Andrew Solomon (Aboriginal Engagement and Science Officer, EPA), Tobias Hills (A/Project Executive EPA), Craig Wilkins (Chief Executive, Conservation Council SA), Professor Chris Daniels (Chair, Green Adelaide), and Ian Liddy (Project Officer, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation).

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