
New reports now available

Following stakeholder engagement on a (draft) South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework in late 2015 and the receipt of 58 submissions on the Framework, the Reference Group prepared the following reports:

* The‘What we heard’ report (PDF, 760KB) identifies common themes from submissions received and provides a selection of comments on each theme (all identifying attributes have been removed from these comments).

* The ‘Submission Recommendations and Response to Comments’ Report (PDF, 1.1MB) and the ‘Response to South East Submissions’ Report (PDF, 1MB) summarise recommendations from submissions regarding proposed changes to the draft Framework and provide responses to the key questions and concerns raised by individuals and organisations.

Recommendations from the engagement process will greatly assist in the editing of this important body of work and we thank you for taking the effort to provide your thoughts on a South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework.

The Reference Group continues to work through submission recommendations and make relevant changes to a revised draft South Australian Multiple Land Use Framework, with the aim of seeking Cabinet’s consideration of the Framework by the end of 2016.

Consultation has concluded

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