Recommended engagement model

Now Closed

This online engagement was hosted on YourSAy from 9 August to 25 October 2019. Below is a record of the engagement.

The information on this page is also available as a PDF document.

Dr Roger Thomas, Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement is currently seeking input from Aboriginal South Australians on an engagement model that improves the Aboriginal community’s relationship with the South Australian Government.

The recommended model seeks to:

  • improve government engagement with Aboriginal people
  • ensure the views of Aboriginal people are represented in government decision making
  • make recommendations regarding improved partnerships between government and the Aboriginal community of South Australia.

An engagement body will be established that:

  • contributes to state policy debate by influencing policy and laws affecting Aboriginal South Australians
  • makes recommendations to government on issues and barriers raised by Aboriginal people or identified by the body
  • makes recommendations to agencies on policy and programs that impact Aboriginal people
  • continues the ongoing relationship with strategic Cabinet meetings.

Membership will comprise of half elected and half appointed Aboriginal South Australians. The Electoral Commissioner SA will assist with a state-wide vote to determine elected members. For appointed members, the Commissioner will convene a panel and make recommendations to the Premier following self-nominations received through expressions of interest.

The criteria for membership will include skills base, gender balance, elders, youth and geographical representation. All members must be Aboriginal.

It is proposed that the new body will be established by 30 June 2020.

In the interim, the role of the existing South Australian Aboriginal Advisory Council (SAAAC) will continue until 30 June 2020. All current members’ terms have been extended until this date.

The role of the Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement will be maintained during this period.

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