South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2018-2022

Consultation has concluded


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What you said

Help guide how the state government manages and monitors common kangaroo species and the commercial kangaroo industry for the next five years.

What is being decided?

The South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2018-2022 (PDF 1.9MB) allows for the commercial harvesting of the three common kangaroo species in South Australia (Red Kangaroos, Western Grey Kangaroos and Euros) under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (NPW Act). In addition, the plan meets the requirements as a Wildlife Trade Management Plan under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act


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What you said

Help guide how the state government manages and monitors common kangaroo species and the commercial kangaroo industry for the next five years.

What is being decided?

The South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2018-2022 (PDF 1.9MB) allows for the commercial harvesting of the three common kangaroo species in South Australia (Red Kangaroos, Western Grey Kangaroos and Euros) under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (NPW Act). In addition, the plan meets the requirements as a Wildlife Trade Management Plan under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and allows for the export of kangaroo products.

Commercial harvesting is the humane culling of wild kangaroos by professional shooters, benefiting the environment and local economy. Harvests are sold to meat processors who then supply skin tanners and supermarkets. The kangaroo harvest is regulated by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR), Biosecurity SA (Meat Hygiene Unit) and the Commonwealth Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. Kangaroo harvesting has been managed for nearly 40 years and during this time it has been shown that kangaroos can be harvested with no negative impact to the long-term conservation of their populations.

The purpose of the Management Plan is to ensure that commercial harvesting is sustainable, i.e. healthy populations of kangaroos are maintained in the wild for many years to come. The Management Plan is required to be updated and approved by the State and Commonwealth Ministers before the current plan expires on 31 December 2017.

How can your input influence the decision?

The South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2018-2022 has been developed based on an internal and external review of the existing plan (South Australian Kangaroo Management Plan 2013-2017).

Input was sought from the kangaroo industry, regulatory bodies, land managers, peak bodies (e.g. Livestock SA, Conservation Council) and animal welfare groups (e.g. RSPCA) between 27 February and 21 April and in consultation with the Kangaroo Management Reference Group who advises DEWNR on kangaroo management.

We want you to consider ways to improve the following seven key aims that make up the Management Plan:

  1. Ensure Humane Harvest of Kangaroos
  2. Promote Community Awareness and Participation
  3. Manage Impacts of Kangaroos on Land Condition
  4. Monitor Kangaroo Populations
  5. Monitor Commercial Harvest
  6. Facilitate Adaptive Management and Research
  7. Undertake Program Reporting and Review

In addition to comments received from targeted consultation, we are seeking further input on the management of the commercial kangaroo industry in South Australia. Your input will help shape the way in which DEWNR manages and monitors abundant kangaroo species and the commercial kangaroo industry for the next five years.

Get involved

You can get involved by downloading the South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2018-2022 (PDF 1.9MB), and:

How will your input be used?

A report outlining ‘what we heard’ and ‘what changed as a result’ will published on this website and on the Kangaroo Conservation and Management webpage by November 2017.

The final plan will then be sent to the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for approval and adoption. The final South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2018-2022 will be published here and on the DEWNR Kangaroo Conservation and Management web page by January 2018.


The three species of kangaroos (Red Kangaroo, Western Grey Kangaroo and Euro) that are allowed to be commercially harvested are all common and are not listed as threatened in Australia or internationally (IUCN Red List 2017). Since European settlement, these species have increased in abundance due to changes in land use, habitat modification, increased artificial water points and reduced predation. Kangaroo numbers fluctuate in response to rainfall, and when populations are in high numbers kangaroos can be in conflict with various land uses. Where this conflict occurs, kangaroos can cause detrimental impacts to the environment, infrastructure, pasture or cropping land, or pose a danger to motorists.

The commercial harvest provides another land management option to landholders to reduce the damage caused by the common kangaroo species. The plan allows for the commercial harvest to occur, while ensuring the long-term conservation of the kangaroo species across South Australia. To achieve this, the plan is based on an adaptive management framework that allows the revision of management practices informed by the best scientific knowledge available and monitoring of kangaroo abundance over time.

The plan has seven aims that relate to different aspects of kangaroo management. Under each aim, actions and performance indicators are listed. The performance indicators have been developed so that the progress towards achieving the aims of the plan can be measured.

Consultation has concluded